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你会收到地契,以示所有权。You receive the Title Deed card showing ownership.

抵押价格印在地契上。The mortgage value is printed on each Title Deed card.

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我们烧了地主的地契,分了地。We burned the deeds of the landlords and divided the land.

其铭兼地契这种墓志形式也十分罕见。The bra of the epitaph with the function of leases is also rare.

喜多看着地契下了命令让失野去办这件事。Like many deeds looked at under the command of wild to take care of it.

十几年前,壹霖开始狂走偏僻村落,收罗地契古书。Many years ago, Mandi went around in those villages out of the way collecting title deed for land.

喷码机是一种传统的装饰技术,完美地契合一工匠风格的房间。Stenciling is a traditional decorative technique that perfectly complements a Craftsman-style room.

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他把自己土地的地契给他们做抵押品,保证他将偿还这笔钱。He gave them the papers which proved his ownership of the land, as a guarantee that he would repay the money.

梁惠娴不愿交出自己陪嫁地的地契,工作队给裴家下了最后通牒。Liang Huixian reluctant to hand over their him across the land, in the land of task force to pei home an ultimatum.

当旧的地契、债约被扔进火堆时,昔日的农奴们围着火堆跳起舞蹈。When the title deeds for land and debt contracts were thrown into the fire, the former serfs danced around the blaze.

曾念安去找栾学堂告诉他这礼物太大了自己收不起,等自己攒够了钱再来拿地契。Ceng Nianan find Luan school told him this gift is too big cant afford to accept yourself, such as he saved up enough money to take the land again.

就租约而言,如果房子建有新的附加物,该房子所位于土地的建筑物平面图可能就需要更新。平面图描述了建筑物在地契上的分布状况。In terms of the lease, if an addition is made to a building, the flats plan showing the delineation of the buildings on the land title may need to be updated.

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回家后,丁香告诉裴文栋,孔二虎被枪毙,好几个抗粮户也挨了批斗,她劝裴文栋交出地契,不要把自己搭进去了。Back home, tell PeiWenDong cloves, hole two tigers shot, several KangLiang door also got off, she advised PeiWenDong hand over the land, dont take yourself in.

方针指出,国家能源及水资源利用监管局要求小型电力项目发展者要有地契或租约,如果涉及水力发电项目还要有证明水资源使用权的文件。The Guidelines show that EWURA requires SPP developers to acquire land title deeds or lease and documents demonstrating water rights, in the case of hydro power projects.

因为在许多发展中国家的乡村,通常没有正式地契,失地农民想要提起诉讼几乎不会获得支持。And because there typically are no formal land titles in many developing-country villages, the farmers who lost their land have had little backing to bring their cases to court.

免责地契最常用于清理所有权问题,在离婚夫妻之间转让财产,或朋友或家庭成员之间的非正式的交易。Quitclaim deeds are most commonly used to clear up title problems, to transfer property between spouses after a divorce, or in informal transactions between friends or family members.