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他说他宁死不屈。He said he would die first.

我宁死不屈。I will die,ere I will yield.

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他宁死不屈。He would rather die than surrender.

我是罗马的战士,我宁死不屈!I am a solider of Rome, I will not yield.

向敌人投降?我们宁死不屈。Surrender to the enemy? We will die first.

那名战士宁死不屈。The warrior would as soon die as surrender.

那位英雄宁死不屈。The hero preferred to die rather than surrender.

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这位战士宁死不屈。The soldier preferred to die rather than give in.

刘胡兰在敌人面前宁死不屈。Liu Hulan would rather die than surrender before the enemy.

面对敌人,我们的战士宁死不屈。Facing the enemies, our soldiers would die rather than surrender.

在战争期间,许多人宁死不屈。Many people preferred to die rather than surrender during the war.

在敌人的酷刑之下,他宁死不屈。He would rather die than surrender under the enemy's cruel torture.

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面对太田的严刑拷打,季德平沉默以对宁死不屈。Facing too, the field of torture, JiDePing silence to die rather than give in.

那里是一群很强硬的、宁死不屈的武装分子。"Here you are facing a very hardened sort of fighters, who are die-hard, " Shah said.

她之所以生的伟大是因为她面对残忍的敌人宁死不屈、大义凛然。The greatness of her life is attributed to her courage to die rather than give in before the.

她之所以生的伟大是因为她面对残忍的敌人宁死不屈、大义凛然。The greatness of her life is attributed to her courage to die rather than give in before the bloody enemy.

为保护忠良的血脉,少林众僧宁死不屈,奋力抵抗。For the protection of ZhongLiang blood, shaolin the monk would die rather than surrender, strive to resist.

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比如,保守党的青年团就撤掉了印着“宁死不屈”的广告传单。The Youth League of the Conservative Party, for example, withdrew its “Better Dead Than Red” election flier.

中国人提倡一心一意的宁死不屈,提倡哪里跌倒哪里站起的豪言壮志。Chinese advocated the undivided attention of die rather than submit, advocate where is falling up pronouncements aspirations.

这就是贝多芬,他凭他的斗志,顽强的毅力,宁死不屈的精神创制了一曲又一曲好的作品。This is Beethoven, he with his fighting spirit, the spirit of perseverance, die rather than submit created a song and a good work.