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现在有许多警察在外面值勤。There are many police out now.

警察当班值勤时不得抽烟。A policeman must not smoke while he is on duty.

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紧急啊我是一名中国武警战士,我正在值勤。I am a Chinese police soldier. I am on duty now.

紧急啊我是一名中国武警战士,我正在值勤。I am a Chinese armed police soldiers, I was on duty.

去报告值勤队,这是我们的义务。Report an on duty brigade, these are our obligations.

想想那值勤的巡警怎么受得了这么冷的天。Think how could the flatfoot on duty bear such a cold.

我向海军部值勤官问了时间和距离。I questioned the duty captain about times and distances.

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游行期间有100多名警察值勤.There were over1 00 police on duty at the demonstration.

对她来说,从她的外科值勤中抽出时间是一件容易的事情。For her, taking time off from her surgery duties was fairly easy.

第二天我仍然是一名列兵,最高的职务是担任伙食值勤员。The next day I was still a buck private with KP as my highest duty.

当有交通辅助员值勤时,请遵从他们的指示。When traffic co- coordinators are on duty, follow their instructions.

职员当值及进行逾时工作,是否须要填写值勤记录?。Are proper records maintained for staff attendance and overtime worked?

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去年年初,上级为连队配发了一台车载式移动值勤车。Early last year, the higher authority issued a mobile petrol car to them.

干警们每班两人轮流值勤,实行24小时不间断巡查。Two police officers have the class take turns on duty, a 24-hour inspections.

是否由批核人员负责覆查逾时工作的值勤纪录?。Does the authorising officer responsible for overtime check attendance records?

在万加楼依值勤的警卫中士告诉帕迪,他儿子打了一场可怕的战斗。He had put up a terrific struggle, the wanganui sergeant on escort duty told paddy.

我们将继续在签证申请高峰期派遣临时值勤官处理签证申请。We will continue to send temporary duty officers to manage seasonal spikes in demand.

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你周围的同事必须能够替你分担起接听来电的工作、还有临床工作值勤。Your colleagues around you have to be able to cover your call, cover your clinical duties.

一天夜里,巴福尔黑德在值勤时无意中碰上一起抢劫杂货店…One night Bufflehead, while on duty, accidentally interrupted a hold up of a grocery store.

七年前的今天,塞西尔·理察森警官一早就在五角大楼值勤。Seven years ago this morning, police officer Cecil Richardson was on duty here at the Pentagon.