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在洛杉矶,出人头地似乎事关重大。The big thing in LA seems to be fame.

我将在两年内使你在电影界出人头地。I will signalize you in the filmdom in two years.

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他不想出人头地,只愿深入群众之中。He desired not to be pinnacled, but sink into the crowd.

他不想出人头地,只愿深入群众之中。He desired not to be pinnacled, but to sink into the crowd.

先把才子分为出人头地与怀才不遇两种。First with wit is divided into two unsuccessful preeminence.

一个人要想出人头地,就得自己去打天下。A man has to strike out for himself if he wants to get ahead.

他们的后代为了出人头地将需要英语。They know that their offspring will need English to get ahead.

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出狱后,转而追求名利,立志出人头地。After be released from prison, turn and careerism, aspire stand out.

在这些新角色中,彭布罗克伯爵,典礼官威廉最出人头地。Among the new men stands boldly out William the Marshal , Earl of Pembroke.

我从来没有想过要活得异于凡人或出人头地。I never want to view myself as any different or any better than anyone else.

但他们只有少量的可支配收入,出人头地的机会也微乎其微。But they have little disposable income and few opportunities to step up the ladder.

多数天才不只是聪颖,还有要在其领域出人头地的强烈动机。Most prodigies have not only brilliance but also a drive to succeed in their field.

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无论你选择哪个行业,假如你能在纽约出人头地,那你一定是行业内的高手。If you can succeed in your chosen field here, you must be very good at whatever that is.

一个既无金钱也无家庭背景的人全靠自身拼搏也能出人头地。A person with neither money nor family influence can also fight his or her way to the top.

文化使你得以想办法出人头地—去发现自我,找到自己的位置、自己的地位。The culture allows you to try to be somebody -- to find yourself, your place, your status.

如果你想要出人头地,你就要不怕吃苦,不怕困难。If you want to rise high in life, you should not afraid of suffering difficulties and hardships.

对他来说,屈服于“城市暗潮”要比出人头地容易得多。It was easier for him to succumb to the “urban undertow” than to be singled out for achievement.

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我们的社会非常重视一纸文凭,大家都希望通过优异的成绩出人头地。Singapore is a highly paper qualification-oriented country, and nothing succeeds here like success.

母亲告诉霍雨浩,想要出人头地,唯一的可能就是成为一名魂师。Mother told Huo Yuhao, want to rise head and shoulders above others, is only possible to become a soul.

所以之后Merrilyn能够从犹太人区出人头地,成为女演员,我对她表示了我的极大敬慕之情。So my admiration is great that Merrilyn could struggle herself out of the ghetto and become and actress.