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特德不温不火的样子能把人气疯。Ted could be maddeningly bland.

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你人缘好人气旺赢得众望。You are win popular with masses.

但是人气似乎在不断增长。But the popularity seems to be growing.

嗨,达人人气蛮高,不错,呵呵!Hey, who played very high up, well, huh, huh!

她目前是征战印地系列赛赛车手中,人气最旺的一个。Patrick is the most popular driver in IndyCar.

他依然有人气,只是威望在不断地下降。He remained popular but his prestige was ebbing.

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也许他只是想为自己博得一些名声和人气。Maybe he’s just trying to make a name for himself.

从古到今,钱币以流通范围广当属人气最旺的商品。Currency can be ranked as the most popular commodity.

这里的餐馆,酒吧和商店也很有人气。It's also popular for its restaurants, bars and shops.

他在锚头镇年轻人中间的人气相当高。He was quite popular among the younger set in Anchorhead.

另一个原因是这条路上的车更少人气还行。Another reason is there are less automobiles and more people.

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日本最强人气抗氧化洁面水。It is one of the most popular anti-oxidant cleansers in Japan.

台东商贸区是山东省规模最大、人气最旺的商圈。Taidong is the largest and busiest commercial area in Shandong.

有人气才能聚士气、财气,垂成功业!To gather popular morale, wealth, successful vertical industry!

把人气变为财气,是一个问题。Turn into person energy of life money is angry, it is a problem.

靠近牛街附近的一些清真餐厅也是人气红火。Near Cow street, some of Halal restaurants are also very popular.

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“你们俩都女人气十足,”政治家说,“我去畜棚睡。”"You two sissies, " said the politician. "I'll sleep in the barn.

的石油,这是赢得了不少人气,作为鞣制油。It's an oil which is gaining a lot of popularity as a tanning oil.

这是汉阳区尽快聚集人气的好方法。This is a good way for Hanyang District to quickly gather popularity.