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对于电磁波来说它的入射角为复角。The angle of incidence may be complex for electromagnetic waves.

对椭圆偏振法的入射角和波长进行了探讨。Angle of incidence and wave length for ellipsometry method were studied.

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在这种方式,入射角是可以改变的调整音高修剪。In this manner, the angle of incidence can be changed to adjust the pitch trim.

并且衍射效率是关于零度入射角对称分布。Moreover, diffraction efficiencies are symmetric about the zero incident angle.

对于所有小于临界角的入射角,则既发生反射,又发生折射。At all angles less than the critical angle, both reflection and refraction occur.

如果镜子是倾斜的,则光线的入射角和反射角是完全相同的。If the mirror is tilted, the light's entry and exit angle will be exactly the same.

这是通过旋转板子使其始终垂直于太阳的入射角实现的。This is done by rotating panels to be perpendicular to the sun's angle of incidence.

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研究表明,透射光强对入射角有着敏感的依赖关系。Our study shows that the transmitted intensity sensitively relies on the incident angle.

穿透率受地表覆盖物型态、雷射入射角与航高等因子影响。Penetration rate is influenced by land-cover types, incidence angle, flying height, etc.

本文还计算和分析了入射角和无序度D对光子晶体带隙的影响。The influence of incident angle and degree of disorder D to the photonic bandgap are al.

仔细地分析了负折射和频率以及入射角的关系及变化规律。The dependences of negative refractions on frequencies and incident angles have been studied.

该方法是傅里叶衍射理论的扩展,是一种依赖于入射角的函数。Extended Fourier diffraction theory was used, and a relation of function depended on incident angle.

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同时这种多缺陷的结构对于膜层厚度的变化和入射角度也有很好的宽容性。Furthermore, the multi defect structure has greater tolerance of film thickness and incidence angle.

这样,就能根据不同的使用需求和太阳光线入射角调整木镶板,实现舒适度的最大化。In this way, the users can optimize their comfort depending on their use and the incidence of the sun.

入射角度入射光与照射在反射或折射平面上的正常光线之间的角度。Angle of Incidence The angle between an incident ray and the normal to a reflecting or refracting surface.

当入射角大于某个称作临界角的极限角时,便发生全内反射。It occurs when the angle of incidence is greater than a certain limiting angle, called the critical angle.

波在进入相对高速介质时,其入射角和折射角均是临界角时产生的波,也叫折射波。A wave entering a relatively high-velocity medium whose incident and refracted angle is the critical angle.

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具有更优秀的入射角,这也正是玻璃微珠的优势所在。This sheeting has excellent entrance angularity, which is typical of encapsulated lens glass bead sheeting.

主要研究梯度聚氨酯在全入射角下的吸声性能。The aim was to research the sound absorption properties of graded polyurethanes at different incident angles.

理论计算和实验表明,入射角对光子带隙的宽度和带隙中心波长均有影响。The results show that the angle of incidence has effect on band-gap width and central wavelength of band gap.