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他难过地看着她。He looked at her sadly.

他难过地摇摇头。He shook his head sadly.

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莪难过旳时候亇甾哪里。I sad time you are where.

我为狗崽队难过!I am sorry for Gouzai team!

我很难过地看到。I was very sad to see that.

别难过,我可以理解。Don, t be sorry I understand.

难过是一种灰灰的、累累的感觉。Sad is a cloudy, tired feeling.

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现在,我要是对你说“要难过!”If I told you right now "Be sad!

没事的,别难过,他很快就会回来的。It's ok. He will come back soon.

我们该为他感到难过吗Are we supposed to feel sorry for him?

可怜的小狗,“流浪者难过地说。”Poor little dog, the tromp said sadly.

别难过,那是再正常不过的情形。Don't be sad. That is exteremly normal.

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别难过,你下次会赢的。Don't feel bad. You will win next time.

一句亲爱的,别难过,你还有我。A dear, don't be sad, you still have me.

那些日子我伤心、难过、憔燥不安。In those days I felt so bad and so upset.

亲爱的,我很难过,琼恩•艾林过世了。I am so sorry, my love. Jon Arryn is dead.

我觉得很难过,好像我失去了自己的一部分。I feel very sad, like I lost a part of me.

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我发现那非常难过,”海菲尔德补充到。I find that pretty sad, " added Heidfeld."

恩,我不悲伤,不难过,不心痛。TU, I am not sad, not sad, not distraught.

快乐,难过都是道给自己听的故事。Happy, sad are told myself to hear stories.