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是四无量心。It is the Four Immeasurables.

以无量的功德和智慧。with boundless merits and wisdom.

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祝各位同学前“兔”无量,兔年大吉!Wish you a happy New Year of Rabbit!

好了,祝你钱途无量!Well, I wish you Qiantu immeasurable !

就是从无量功德智慧。It comes from infinite merits and wisdom.

非常好找。哥们,你好好学英语吧,你的前途是无量的。It is very easy for you to get a good job.

佛能度无量有情,而不能尽众生界。The Buddha three can's and three cannot's.

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爱可以无限无量的包容,放松,放松。Love can forgive limitlessly, relax, and relax.

值此婚礼佳期,祝你幸福无量。May every happiness be yours on this Wedding Day.

波扬无量微妙音声。The waves sing forth in uncountable subtle sounds.

是故无量寿佛,亦号无量光佛。His light is the most honored among all Buddhas' light.

过去无量不可思议无央数劫。In immeasurable, inconceivable, innumerable kalpas ago.

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太阳无量数,太空无限大。The outer space possesses infinity, and the Sun is infinite.

佛具足无量光,众生也具足无量光。As Buddha possesses limitless light, so do all sentient beings.

复有无量山神海神。Moreover, measureless numbers of mountain spirits, sea-spirits.

所以无量寿经才是真正第一中的第一。Therefore, the Infinite Life Sutra is really the number one teaching.

但不知左师兄对‘无量玉壁’的钻研,这五年来可已大有心得么?But how about your studying the Wuliang jade in the recent five years?

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他更应当对一切众生,长养无量慈心。Even so should one cultivate a limitless heart with regard to all beings.

无量劫来,我们又怎麽知道呢?For limitless kalpas, how could we possibly have known about these things?

钱途无量!我们将以优质的售后跟踪工作为您服务。Qiantu Wuliang! We will work to track quality after-sales service for you.