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还算挺有意思的That was mildly fun.

我觉得这很有意思。I find this fascinating.

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是的,他是个有意思的家伙。Yes, he was a nice chap.

嗯,这很有意思。Well, that's interesting.

买便宜的弹匣很有意思。Cheap mags are fun to buy.

蛮有意思,值得一看。It's worth to take a look.

“有意思,”里穆尼说。“Interesting, ” Rimney says.

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医生白觉得跳舞有意思。Dr. Bai feels dancing is fun.

犬羊迎宾,有意思!Guest-Greeting Dog and Sheep.

这看上去蛮有意思的。It seems sort of interesting.

这很有意思,我们的一个员工。There's an interesting story.

这门课听起来很有意思。So the class sounds wonderful.

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每个人都有有意思的一面。Everyone as an intersting side.

这是一份很有意思的职业。it's an interesting profession.

“很有意思,”埃米尔说。“Very interesting, ” Emil said.

他们的脸看起来很有意思。Their faces look intersting too.

好了,很好,很有意思All right. Good. Very interesting.

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空洞式很有意思。Empty love is kind of interesting.

都确定了,很有意思It all shakes down, and it is fun.

有意思地小家伙,不多说。Meaningly small guy, not much say.