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你清爽我的旨趣吗?You know what I meany good?

今天的空气是凉爽且清爽的。The air is cool and crisp today.

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它是那么地可口,那么地清爽!It was so delicious, so refreshing!

你的泊位将在协调世界时0830时清爽。Your berth will be clear at 0830 UTC.

通常,这意味着清爽,暗淡和安静。Often, this means cool, dark and quiet.

在热天喝冷饮使人感到清爽。Cool drinks are refreshing on a hot day.

我喜欢这种清爽的别墅设计风格!I like this refreshing villa design style!

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你会觉得脸部倍感清爽,焕发青春。Your face will feel fresh and rejuvenated.

我在找一种口感清爽的牙膏。I'm looking for a fresh-tasting toothpaste.

很夏天、很清爽的音乐。Their music is very summery and refreshing.

轻风拂面,清爽而又温暖。A breeze touching my face felt cool yet warm.

用后感觉肌肤滑嫩清爽。You may feel tender and clear skin after use.

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那香气散发着青山和健康的清爽味道。That clean scent of mountains and good health.

它做起来方便,若在大热天吃这个,你会感到无比清爽!It's easy and incredibly refreshing on hot days.

“处女”味很清爽,有点细细粉粉的感觉,同时又甜蜜而诱人。It was powdery and clean, yet seductive and sweet.

那儿有一对那女在享受着清爽的晚餐。There sat a man and woman enjoying a relaxed meal.

是个长得很清爽又很乖的男生。Is also good as gold the boys grown very refreshing.

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我们的120白苏维翁清爽,中度酒体。Our 120 sauvignon Blanc is crispy and medium bodied.

口感清爽,带着葡萄果实的活力香气。Mouth frank and energy with mostly grapefruits aromas.

室外给人美的享受,室内则是干净、清爽。People can enjoy its beauty outside and comfort inside.