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如果懂得这点,其它的就可以触类旁通了。If you understand this point, you can understand the rest by analogy.

然而绘画与音乐在某种程度上又是触类旁通的。However, painting and music to some extent can also be comprehended similarly.

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这样,阅读古书时才能举一反三,触类旁通。In this way, when can we judge the whole ancient books to read, comprehend by analogy.

选择了部分指标体系进行了案例分析,以求触类旁通。Finally, choose partial target system to make case analysis in order to understand by analogy.

实用英语,行业英语…他山之石,能够使我们触类旁通,以更好的学习和思考。We can comprehend everything by analogy of others' experience so as to enhance our study and thinking.

实用英语,行业英语…他山之石,能够使我们触类旁通,以更好的学习和思考。Practical english, industrial english etc where we can get some thing from, for better studying and thinking.

第十届北京国际艺术博览会于2007年7月12夜班至16夜将正在北京奥林匹克典籍节把持触类旁通。Tenth Beijing International Art Exposition will solemnity comes off at July 12-16, 2007 at Beijing Olympic Cultural Festival.

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一旦他们养成了能独立解决至少一门功能学习能力之后,他们很有可能会举一反三,在其它学科的学习中触类旁通。If they can develop independence in at least one area of homework, they are more likely to learn how to do homework in other areas.

介绍一种基于流媒体技术创建影视网站的方法,通过讲述实例来理解影视网站建设的设计思维和技巧,触类旁通。This article raises the approach to constructing the network site of cinema and TV, which is based upon the fluid media technology.

同时,为啦记住自己们所学地学问,自己们要在生活中擅长考虑,如许学问才干获得触类旁通地用途。Meanwhile, in order to remember what we've learned knowledge, we want in life is good at pondering, such knowledge can get so useful.

姐姐认为,文凭是职业的需要。没有文凭而找到一个好的工作是不容易的,然而,文凭仅仅表明一个人所接受的某种教育,不表明它触类旁通,经天纬地。In my opinion , diploma is essential to one's future career because in today's society without diploma it is very hard for one to find a good job.

不少优秀的大导演、演员都有着从绘画入手的经历,美术学院毕业生主动奔向这个平台触电而触类旁通、施展艺术才华的不在少数。Large numbers of outstanding directors, actors all have experience of painting. the artist has more challenges in the film field. In my opinion, Ms.

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在教学生解决某一问题时,老师应帮助他们看到与其他问题的相似性,这样他们才能触类旁通。When teaching students to solve one problem, the teacher should help them see parallels to other problems so that they can judge the whole from the part.

同时,在解答中启发考生的解题思路,让其在遇到类似题目时能够触类旁通,轻松解决。Meanwhile, inspired by the candidates to answer in the problem-solving ideas, let in the face of a similar topic, can comprehend by analogy , easily resolved.

该先生实习时期任务仔细,在任务中遇到不懂得中央,可以向经历丰厚的职工讨教,擅长思考,可以触类旁通。The students during my internship work earnestly, in work across not understand, can place to experience the rich worker consult, good at thinking, can lines.

首先对运气南北政中的正化对化、得政平气、太极全息、南北异同和河洛探源进行了触类旁通。At first, to comprehend Zhenghua and Duihua, peaceful Qi if obtaining Zheng, Taiji hologram, similarities and differences of south and north, the source of Heluo by analogy.

迁移是指一种学习中获得的经验对另一种学习的影响,也就是我们常说的触类旁通,举一反三。The migration refers to the experience which in one kind of study obtains to another kind of study influence, also is understanded by analogy which we often said, extrapolates.

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将构件进行分类,从构件和独体字开始学习,再学习高频字,再学习句篇,使学习者能触类旁通。Classify the components, begin learning with the components and single characters, and then the frequently used characters, and the lecture to make learners comprehend by analogy.

同时,本书以附录形式系统整理了有关教育、体育、手机、网络、环保、家居、旅行等专有领域词汇,方便读者定向查找,触类旁通。Professional glossary on education, gym issues, mobile related content, the internet, the environment as well as tourism also included in the appendix for reader's easy reference.

在拜胡世盛为师后,奇乐勤学苦练,触类旁通,在推测观众心理反应上,更有微妙变化的智慧。Having learning magic skills of Hu's , Happy Wiz studied hard and practiced more, which led him to master more skills. He has the delicate intelligence on calculating the audience reaction.