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你就是因为这个才被停学的?That's why you were suspended?

汤姆的母亲决定让他们停学几天。Tom's mother him for a few days.

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许多学校将会停学。A lot of schools will close down.

他在剑桥大学上学时曾一度被勒令停学。He was once rusticated in Cambridge.

一些学生因困穷而停学。Some students quit school due to poverty.

他因品行不端而被停学。He was suspended from school for bad conduct.

缺钱是她停学的原因。Lack of money accounts for her discontinuing her studies.

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任何戴袖章的学生都会被停学。Any student who wore an armband would be suspended from school.

在高中,他因为迟到太多次而被学校记过停学。In high school, he was suspended for being late too many times.

他因在学校操场上跟人打架而被责令3-天暂时停学作为处罚。He was given a 3-day suspension for fighting in the school yard.

制裁措施包括罚款,停学或开除。Sanctions include a fine, suspension or rustication from Cambridge.

该地区教育委员会的成员们也对梅尔里克勒令如此众多的学生停学一天的做法表示支持。School board members said they support Mayerik and the mass suspensions.

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最后的结果是,学校并没有给我和麦德停学惩罚。The end result was the school removed any punishments that Matt and I would receive.

布坎南因与警察发生肢体冲突而被乔治敦大学停学一年。Buchanan was suspended for a year from Georgetown University after brawling with police.

男孩被停学的可能性是女孩的两倍,被开除的可能性是女孩的三倍。Boys are twice as likely to get suspended as girls, and three times as likely to be expelled.

你曾否被任何学院或大学监管、要求停学或拒绝重新申请入读?。Have you ever been on probation, suspended or refused readmission at any college or university?

校长会令任何在学校拥有或使用可疑违禁物品的学生停学。Principals will suspend any student who possesses or uses a suspected illegal substance at school.

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况且穷户区里有着一群被视为社会问题的赋闲、停学的西裔或黑人青年。Besides the slum is regarded as a social problem of Hispanic unemployment, drop-out or black youth.

学生肄业、休学、定期停学期间,均适用本办法。Article 21. This policy is applicable to all students during study, suspection, and regular suspension.

这位著实演员停学先南下俄亥俄州克原夫兰市,正在五小湖戏剧节做全职真习生。The storied actor left college to intern full time at the Great Lakes Theater Festival in Cleveland, Ohio.