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他喜欢吃豆腐。He likes to eat tofu.

我们吃豆腐和牛肉。We have tofu and beef.

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这是被女人给吃豆腐了?。This drive woman to eat bean curd?

我们每个周五中午吃豆腐和猪肉。We have tofu and pork for lunch on Fridays.

这就是为什么爱德华会拿它与吃豆腐和黄豆相提并论了。That's why Edward compares it to living on tofu and soy.

扶霞说,即便是最不喜欢吃豆腐的顽固分子也会因麻婆豆腐而转变看法。The dish can convert even the most die-hard bean-curd sceptics, says Ms.

我不吃鸡胸肉而改吃豆腐,这有助于减缓全球变暖吗?Am I really helping global warming by switching from chicken breasts to bean curd?

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对经常吃豆腐和相关的豆制品的素食者而言,未发酵大豆对健康不利的理论绝对是一个坏消息。Bad news for vegetarians and vegans who often turn to tofu and associated soy products.

本来我是相当喜欢豆腐的,但在北京这些年,恁是变得不吃豆腐了。I have been fond of tofu, but living in in Beijing for many years, I gradually dislike it.

这里当中有—些女人不化妆,吃素,喜欢吃豆腐和喝无糖果汁。Some of these girls do not use make up, are vegetarian, love tofu, and drink sugar free juices.

现在开始,要为他吃豆腐,黄豆和其他任何能提高他雌激素水平的东东。You need to start him off right with tofu, soy, and other products that will raise his estrogen levels.

并对目前缓和“吃豆腐难”和今后彻底解决“吃豆腐难”的问题,提出了一系列可能行之有效的方法。At last, several feasible measures were suggested for overcoming"the difficulty of buying bean curd"in Shanghai.

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这可以追溯到她们的饮食史,肯定和有些事情相关——吃豆腐和蔬菜。That's a nod to their diet historically. There definitely may be something there -- to eating tofu and vegetables.

作为附带的好处,吃豆腐的美国人对食用大豆导致砍伐亚马逊森林的愧疚要少一点。As a side benefit, American tofu eaters also tend to be less culpable for soy's role in deforestation in the Amazon.

很多人开始吃豆腐,因为它是低脂、低胆固醇并且含有丰富的蛋白的健康代肉品。Many people turn to tofu as it's such a healthy meat substitute that offers high levels of protein with a lower fat and cholesterol content.

在韩国如果一个人从警察局或监狱出来,为了让他以后不要再进去,要象征性地吃豆腐!Snider sprinkled herself with salt, ate three bites of tofu and stepped on an egg. The ritual, she was told, would prevent a return to jail.

经常吃豆腐等豆制品不但能起到增加头发的光泽、弹力等作用,还能防止分叉或断裂。Often tofu etc bean products not only can play the increase the luster of the hair, elastic functions, but also can prevent the bifurcate or break.

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研究人员还研究了多吃豆腐、酱油和其他调料的“东方饮食”,结果发现这种饮食结构对心脏病发率没什么影响。The authors also looked at an "Oriental" diet, rich in tofu, soy and other sauces, and found it did not increase or decrease the risk of a heart attack.