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李珊珊是典型的工薪一族。Li Shanshan is a typical wage earner.

薪金已由工薪出纳员办公室发放。Salaries were disbursed by the paymaster's office.

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犯罪份子中工薪阶级受占的比例过高。The working class is over-represented in crime statistics.

我们都靠工薪生活,我们在银行的存款也很有限。We are living on salaries, our deposits in the bank are limited.

这个计划为因生病而失去工薪的工人担保。This plan indemnifies workers against wages lost through illness.

他的部分工薪被店主扣下来偿还他所欠的债。Part of his salary was attached by shopkeepers to whom he owed money.

康纳特被描述成一个出身工薪家庭的小男孩,通过努力,得进哈佛。Conant is described as a working class boy who worked his way into Harvard.

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保证他们的工薪标准在如今这个价格敏感的市场有效。Make sure that their pay scale makes sense in today's price-conscious market.

再过几个星期,我将主持史上首次白宫工薪家庭峰会。And in a few weeks, I'll hold the first-ever White House Working Families Summit.

那时你们看到就会是一个被生活套上了枷锁的作家,他过着工薪奴的平常生活,他的性生活像场宗教仪式,毫无激情可言。The writer chained for life to the routine of a wage slave and the ritual of copulation.

还是反对给美国工薪人员和中小企业进行实实在在的减税?Are they against giving tax cuts to virtually every worker and small business in America?

在这一个房价飞涨的时代,我们多数工薪一族都是过着勤俭持家的日子。In this era of soaring house prices, most of our family are living a thrifty working day.

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在时下的家居装潢中,许多工薪家庭都追求灯光带来的美丽。In today's home decorating, many working families are seeking to bring the beauty of light.

另外还有一些涉及从减免工薪税到取消所有公司税的提案。Other proposals range from a payroll-tax holiday to the elimination of all corporate taxes.

如果克鲁塞罗提供相同的工薪,或者我们去谈判,我个人倾向留下,但是我们之前没有谈过。If Cruzeiro offer the same amount, or we talk, I'd prefer to stay. But we haven't talked yet"."

对工薪所得课征的所得税是中国个人所得税收入的主要部分。Income tax on wage earners constitutes the main body of individual income tax revenue in China.

大约有7800万美国民众没有制定与其工薪相关的税后收入储蓄计划。Some 78 million Americans don't have a tax-sheltered savings plan linked to their employer paycheck.

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但这种政策的结果是,一个赚取工薪的人将要照料四个退休的老人。The result being that you’re in a position where one wage earner will be taking care of four retired people.

逐渐地,一些讲西班牙语和任地方官员的工薪科吉人也能有所作为了。Increasingly, a few salaried Kogi who speak Spanish and work as local officials have the power to get things done.

本度假村欢迎工薪家庭来此度周末,花费不多,无穷享受。In this vacation land wage earners' families are welcome to spend the weekend, which means great enjoyment at small expense.