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青蛙的腹面是白色的。The front side of frogs is white.

头部、腹面有淡褐色纵斑。Tawny spots can be found on the head and abdomen.

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原叶体边缘及背腹面均可产生毛状体。Hairs can occur on both the surfaces and margin of the prothalli.

两个小伸缩泡,远远分离,位于口前庭腹面。Two contractile vacuoles situated near ventral wall of infundibulum.

腹部背面及腹面的刚毛均比模式种的长而多。The setae on abdomen, both dorsal and ventral are longer and more in number.

大多数脊索动物循环具有高压的、封闭的循环系统,心脏位于腹面。Most chordates have a high-pressure, closed circulation with a ventral heart.

有趣的是,它的翅膀腹面是棕色的,带有眼状斑点——这是一种典型的伪装术。Its underside, strangely, is brown with “eyes” – a typical camouflage technique.

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触角感器在每节上的数量和分布不同,在背腹面的分布差异不显著。Quantity and distribution of sensilla were different in each segment of antenna.

腹面有长丝状的蜡质缠绕,紧贴腹面体壁的还有一层小蜡圈。Furthermore, the ventral surface cling a thin layer of small curled wax filaments.

本文描述了经猫脑腹面记录下丘脑单位活动的方法。A method of ventral approach to hypothalamus for recording unit activity was described.

这二张也是贼鸥。同样地,完整的暗色颈环,明亮的白色腹部,及初级飞羽基部腹面闪光状的白色。Also Arctic Skua. Again, full dark collar, brilliant white belly and white flash at the base of the under-primaries.

观察发现,罗氏沼虾的贲门胃内无齿,胃壁背、腹面的一定部位有角质板的特殊结构。It was found no any tooth in cardiac stomach, but there were cuticle plates in the dorsal and ventral wall of the stomach.

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毛状体出现在片状体形成之后,数量丰富,多为单细胞,分布于原叶体背腹面及边缘。After the formation of the prothallial plate, profuse unicellular hairs occur on both the surfaces and margin of the prothalli.

脊髓下动脉位于脊髓腹面,来自颈内动脉,有营养脊髓的作用。The subspinal artery, which provides nourishment for spinal cord, lies under the spinal cord and comes from internal carotid artery.

耳小囊形成于半规管背面与耳石器官腹面且在第五后脑特殊节状结构后面的一个上皮囊。Otic vesicle An epithelial sac behind the fifth rhombomere forming the semicircular canals dorsally and the otolith organs ventrally.

还有一个被“激发”的领域为“丘脑下部”,这个部位位于大脑腹面、丘脑的下方,是调节内脏活动和内分泌活动的较高级神经中枢所在,具有“控制”的职能,管理人的体温、饥饱程度以及疲惫程度。The final part of the brain to be activated is the hypothalamus, the ‘control’ part which regulates temperature, hunger, thirst and tiredness.

运用扫描电镜对中国产的落叶松属8个种和9个不同种源的兴安落叶松种皮微形态进行了观察。结果表明,种子的背面纹饰、腹面纹饰和种孔周围纹饰截然不同。The micro-morphologic features of the seed coats of 8 species and 9 in-dividuls of Larix gmelini Larch's plants in China were observed by SEM.

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口两侧各有一对钩,虫体布满似乳突状小棘,只有成虫前端和末端两侧可见散在的隆起的椭圆孔状感觉器,虫体末端腹面可见肛孔。There was a pair of curved hamuli on both sides of the mouth, while small spines like mastoid process were covered with the shape of the body.

不过到了中段,产道最宽的方位就转了90度,也就是卵形长轴分别朝向孕妇腹面与背面。Midway through, however, this orientation shifts 90 degrees, and the long axis of the oval extends from the front of the mo ther's body to her back.

担子果肉质,菌盖的腹面有平行排列的菌褶,大大增加了表面积。The cap of the fleshy fruiting body-the mushroom or toadstool-bears a series of parallel gills on its lower surface that greatly increase its surface area.