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欢迎选样、来图来样定做!Welcome to selection, order!

量身定做一个桌面背景。Create a custom desktop background.

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这衣服是现在的还是定做的?。Is it really-made or custom-tailored?

支持定做,厂家直销!It can be customized, Factory Direct !

鲁道夫的新衣服是定做的。Rudoff has a new made-to-measure suit.

中厚板定做,割圆,割方。Plate customized, cut circle, cut side.

好的,你什么时候要?我想定做一条裙子。I would like to have a custom-make skirt.

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这些宽的门只能定做。These wide doors have to be custom-ordered.

你的外套是定做的还是买现成的?Is your overcoat made to order or ready made?

这个应用程序就是为移动量身定做的。This is an application that is made for mobile.

他的脚很大,需要定做的鞋子。His feet are big and need custom-designed shoes.

整体衣柜的设计以人为本,量身定做。Integral chest design people-oriented, tailored.

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底布花样颜色可定做。We can have the pattern and color made to order.

柯达为徕卡量身定做了这款CCD。The CCD is made to Leica’s specifications by Kodak.

欢迎新老客户定做各款红木家具。Welcome you to custom-tailor our redwood furniture.

欢迎大家批发,定做,来样加工!Welcome wholesale, custom-built to sample processing!

从裁剪上来讲,定做的西装是最好的。For tailoring options, the bespoke suit is the finest.

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我方接受定做业务。真丝地毯,真丝挂毯。高档礼品,升值无限。We can make custom-made silk carpet and silk tapestry.

我得去商店量尺寸定做衣服。I have to go to the shop to be measured up for my suit.

你这快刻有字的板是专门定做的吗?翻译。Is this plank with carved characters on it customized ?