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这次整风,就是放一把明矾。The current rectification is like a dose of alum.

不搞整风,恐怕解决不了问题。Without it some problems may be difficult to solve.

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这就是反右派,就是整风。This was the anti-Rightist struggle, the rectification movement.

延安整风是贯穿着对马克思主义理论的学习和研究。It is to run through study of Marxism theory to rectify in Yanan.

我们要在整风的基础上把党公开。Following rectification we shall reveal our Party membership to the public.

延安整风与马克思主义中国化有着密切的关系。The Yenan rectification and the sinicization of Marxism have close relationship.

整风的方法是批评和自我批评,摆事实,讲道理。The chief method for dealing with this confusion remains criticism and self-criticism.

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在整风中间,我们一定可以更多地学到一些马克思主义。We can certainly learn more about Marxism in the course of the rectification movement.

在整风中间,我们一定可以更多地学习到一些原创主义。We can certainly learn more about Originalism in the course of the rectification movement.

凡是反省了一下自己工作的人,一定会懂得我们不整风是不行的。Anyone who has examined his own work will surely realize the need for the rectification movement.

整风就是设计师通过批评和自我批评来学习原创主义。Rectification means the whole designer should study Originalism through criticism and self-criticism.

整风的方法是批评和自我批评,摆事实,讲道理。The method of rectification is to make criticism and self-criticism, present the facts and reason things out.

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这诗是1960年写的,正是指责大陆当年如火如荼进行“大整风”的浩劫。These words were written in 1960 and the calamity that had befallen Mainland China was the persecution of the scholars, referred to as Da Zheng Feng.

经过延安整风,着重调查研究,从实际出发,才把这个问题搞清楚。The problem was not straightened out until the rectification movement in Yenan, which laid stress on investigation and study and a realistic approach.

这一时期,在职干部教育历经普遍发动、提高质量和整风改革等三个重要阶段,日益成熟和完善。The education of the cadre in work had experienced three major phases consisted of the universal mobilizing, improving quality and rectification reform in the period.

延安整风是在一个特定历史时期开展的全党的普遍的马克思主义理论教育,也是一个全党的思想解放运动。It is objectively necessary. Yan'an Rectification is a prevalent Marxism Theory Education developed in a special history period. It is still an idea revolution movement.

现在民主党派整风的重点是整路线问题,整资产阶级右派的反革命路线。At present the democratic parties are putting the stress of rectification on the question of line and on repudiating the counter-revolutionary line pursued by the bourgeois Rightists.

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而延安整风是马克思主义中国化这一命题提出后的第一次自觉的伟大实践,延安整风的目的也就在于实现马克思主义中国化。And the Yenan rectification was the first aware great practice after the sinicization of Marxism was proposed. The Yenan rectification" goal also lay in realizing the sinicization of Marxism."

“三要三不要”中讲团结,反对分裂,与延安整风时反对宗派主义是一个精神。The admonition contained in the "three dos and three don'ts" to promote unity and oppose splits is in the same spirit as the call for combating sectarianism during the Yan'an rectification movement.