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哈亚说,巴解组织已经名存实亡,是那些创立它的人埋葬了它。Hayya said the PLO was dead, sent to the morgue by those who founded it.

到了七十年代,这种规定已经名存实亡了,至少我听说是这样。By the 1970s, these rules were rarely enforced and easily violated, or so I was told.

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随着汉代政治模式在汉末的消亡,太学制度已名存实亡。As the Han Dynasty Han Dynasty's demise of the political model, Imperial College system in name only.

在坚苦时辰背弃我们的是名存实亡的同伙。Friends that desert us in the hour of need are friends in name, chaussures louboutin, not in reality.

亚穆苏克罗只是科特迪瓦名存实亡的首都,实际上那里没有任何大使馆或者国家机构。Yamoussoukro is the capital in name only and doesn't actually have any embassies or state institutions.

由于在1894年煤矿工人总罢工中遭到决定性的失败,到1897年,美国矿工联合会只剩下一万会员,而且似乎名存实亡。Decisively beaten in a general coal strike in 1894, the UMW had only 10,000 members and seemed dead by 1897.

"这只不过是个开始,"Wang表示,并称很多公司最终只能在该地区落得个名存实亡的结果."This is just the beginning," Wang said, adding that many firms could end up with a "token presence" in the region.

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而在当时,平遥牛肉这块名牌已即将走向名存实亡的地步,假冒伪劣横行市场。On that occasion, this famous beef Pingyao has been forthcoming to the extent exists in name only, fake and shoddy rampant market.

SUSAN与苏振源的夫妻关系曾经走到名存实亡的地步,但她一直无法置信苏振源居然会卷入杀人案件!SUSAN and SuZhenYuan relationship ever walked to tatters point, but she always can't believe SuZhenYuan would be involved in case homicide!

数年后,其丈夫林某以夫妻关系名存实亡、感情破裂为由提出离婚。Several years later, her husband filed for divorce on the grounds that the conjugal relation existed in name only and the marriage had broken down.

斯里兰卡政府决定结束2002年和泰米尔反政府武装签订的停火协议,事实上所有人都承认这份协议已经是名存实亡。The government's decision to end a 2002 truce agreement with Tamil rebels came as virtually everyone acknowledged that the pact existed only in name.

我第一次听到这种说法的时候,迪斯科已经没戏了,汽车影院也几乎名存实亡,举国上下家家户户的卧室里放上了叫做钟锤的娱乐设施。In that time, disco has died, drive-in movies have nearly died, and something called The Clapper has come and gone through bedrooms across the nation.

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小说开始时他是在伦敦的波罗的海国的流亡者,几十年来他操持着无望的到1980年代已名存实亡的“流亡国会”。At the start of the book he is a Baltic émigré in London, who has spent decades running the pointless and, by the 1980s, almost defunct "Congress of Exiles".

小说开始时他是在伦敦的波罗的海国的流亡者,几十年来他操持着无望的到1980年代已名存实亡的“流亡国会”。At the start of the book he is a Baltic émigré in London, who has spent decades running the pointless and, by the 1980s, almost defunct “Congress of Exiles”.

这套制度由于缺乏应有条件的支持,一开始就没有彻底施行,高祖后期即名存实亡。The system had not been put in force drastically at first because of the lack of strong support. It existed in name only at the end of Emperor Gaozu's reign.

虽然现在的法律还没有限制言论自由,但如果我们不能在一般场合勇于表达自己的意见,这种所谓的自由其实是名存实亡。Even if there is no law to curtail freedom of speech, if we are effectively discouraged from speaking through informal means, then this freedom has no real substance.

或许那时的新民主主义已然名存实亡,也或许人们认为新民主主义已经完成,改为下一阶段——社会主义让行了。I am not sure whether these were nominal continuations or whether by this time, New Democracy was considered "finished" and had to give way to the next stage in Chinese socialism.

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1980年以来,部分死刑案件核准权被下放使死刑复核程序名存实亡,立法上的疏漏和诉讼构造的缺失造成死刑复核程序难以起到最后的程序保障作用。Since 1980, the authority to approve their own death penalty decisions has partly been given to local courts, so procedure for judicial review of death sentences exists in name only.

两度婚姻触礁的摩纳哥公主卡罗琳与现任丈夫、56岁的汉诺威亲王恩斯特·奥古斯特11年的婚姻被指名存实亡。Twice Princess Caroline of Monaco, the marriage hit the rocks with the current husband, 56-year-old Prince Ernst August of Hanover 11 years of marriage alleged to exist in name only.

一度被视为名存实亡的国资委,如今大权在握,掌控着可能让中国未来经济改革道路更加复杂的既得利益团体。And SASAC's charges, once regarded as dinosaurs on the brink of extinction, are now power centers in their own right, housing vested interests that will complicate China's future reform path.