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他是一只老狐狸。He is an old fox.

他是个狡猾的老狐狸。He's a sly old fox.

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他是个老谋深算的老狐狸。He is a wily old fox.

他是诡计多端的老狐狸。He’s a cunning old fox.

防着点儿,他是只老狐狸精。Watch out for him, He's an old fox.

提高警惕,他是一个狡猾的老狐狸。Be on your guard! He's a sly old fox.

别相信他,他像老狐狸一样奸诈。Don't trust him, he is a sly old fox.

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这个商人是个狡猾的老狐狸。This businessman is a cunning old fox.

恩里科很有心计,是一只狡猾的老狐狸。Enrico was too good, an old fox, cunning.

一只老狐狸不需要被教授怎么玩小把戏。An old fox doeasn't need to be taught tricks.

简的叔叔是个老狐狸,什么坏事都干得出来。Jame's uncle is an old fox, up to all kinds of evils.

伊利斯这个狡猾的老狐狸骗我们买了假货。Mr. Ellis, sly old fox, tricked us into buying fake goods.

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终于,老狐狸想出了一条抓小红母鸡的妙计。At last the old Fox thought up a way to catch the little Red Hen.

当你毕业时,照照镜子,看到一只老狐狸。When you graduate, look at themselves in the mirror, saw a old fox.

在她家不远处的小山上住着一只狡猾的老狐狸。An old Fox, crafty and sly, had a den in the rocks, on a hill near her house.

他知道已经收服了的老狐狸不怕他再脱逃。He knew that once he had caught the sly fox he need not worry about him escaping.

小白兔看到了这么可怜的老奶奶,就把自己的零花钱捐给了老狐狸。The little white rabbit saw such a poor old woman, and gave her pocket money to the old fox.

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但是,当结婚宴会准备好时,老狐狸突然跳了起来,抓起一根棍棒,把所有的来宾,包括狐狸太太一起都赶出了门。He attacked the entire party with blows and drove them all out of the house, including Mrs. Fox.

正说着,她一转身看到丑陋的老狐狸就站在那儿,肩上还背着个大袋子。Just as she said it, she turned round, and there stood the ugly old Fox, with his big bag over his shoulder.

老狐狸想,可能是别人都帮助过自己了,于是第三天,它就换了个地方去乞讨。Old fox thought, may be someone else has helped himself, so the third day, it changed a place to go begging.