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现在他担任农艺系系主任。Now he heads the agronomy department.

某些品质性状与农艺性状指标之间存在相关关系。Some kinds of qualitative and agronomical traits are correlative.

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咨询费、农艺方面费用、摄影费、测量球场。Consultants Fees, Agronomists Fees, Photography, Course Measurements.

意小原非常他们的水腿农艺而高傲。Italian people are really proud of century-old prosciutto production.

改良单交种的产量、农艺性状、整齐度类似相应单交种。The output and uniformity of modified hybrids was similar to hybrids.

甘蓝型油菜主要农艺和产量性状的杂种优势及其分离世代的分析。Heterosis and segregation on agronomic and yield traits in brassica napus l.

这些QTL的鉴定与定位为玉米农艺性状的遗传改良、精细定位和克隆提供了依据。The identify for QTL was used to study inheritance , fine map and clone of QTL.

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对15份红小豆种质资源的7个农艺性状进行了遗传参数研究。The Genetic parameters of 7 agronomic traits were assessed in 15 Adzuki bean germplasm.

对糯玉米支链淀粉含量与主要农艺性状之间的相关性进行了分析。The correlation and path analysis between amylopectin and main agronomic traits was made.

尼克劳斯是现代球场设计的鼻祖,追求着农艺与建造的完美。Nicklaus is the prototypical modernist in pursuit of agronomic and construction perfection.

经主要农艺性状的变异系数分析,可育突变体在T_1~T_2代性状就相对稳定。With counting the C. V. of main agronomic traits, the fertile mutants in T1-T2 were stable.

选用17个安徽乌塌菜地方品种,对7个农艺性状进行了相关分析、通径分析和回归分析。The phenotypic correlation and path analysis were stud ied with 17 local cultivars of savoy.

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此外,本文还提出了纤维品质性状和农艺性状的选择方法。This selective method of agronomical traits and fibre properties was described in this paper.

其主题是对园艺的赞颂,以及对农艺感到兴奋。The dominant idea was to be the glorification of horticulture and the exaltation of agriculture.

对32个小簇麦新物种、新类型材料的农艺性状及分子细胞遗传学进行了研究。The quality, disease resistance and molecular cytogenetics of 32 new species and types from wreath.

研究旨在了解优繁5号和京9428两个引进的种质材料的农艺性状和品质。Our objective was to evaluate agronomy characteristic and quality of introduced Youfan5 and Jing 9428.

按照花生控制下针丰产栽培技术新的农艺要求,设计了全悬挂花生起垄播种机。According to requirements of AnM cultivation techniques, a fully-mounted peanut bedder-planter was designed.

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不同海拔高度辣椒品种资源农艺性状存在着广泛差异。There are widely differences in agricultural properties between capsicum germplasms from different altitude.

研究了13份旱稻和35份普通水稻材料对干旱胁迫的农艺调节能力。Using 13 land rice and 35 general rice varieties, the agricultural regulation ability to drought was studied.

对64份国内外甜高粱种质资源的9个农艺性状进行了遗传多样性等遗传参数研究。The genetic parameters of 9 agronomic traits were assessed in 64 domestic and foreign sweet sorghum germplasms.