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为什么你会咎由自取?What did you take?

你咎由自取。在学习上应当不耻下问。It isn't a shame to ask for help in study.

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他正走向迎面而来的咎由自取的死亡吗?He walks towards an imminent, self-given death?

只听她说“我们被囚禁在这里,但我们咎由自取”And she said "we are all just prisoners here, of our own device"

「德川幕府倒台乃咎由自取」在什麽程度上同意此说法?。To what extent, the downfall of Tokugawa is caused by themselves?

目前各种怀疑情绪纯属他们咎由自取。Yet the current mood of doubt is in many ways their own creation.

梵蒂冈认为同性恋者身遭不测是咎由自取。Gays, the Vatican believes, bring their misfortunes upon themselves.

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怕麻烦的我于是息事宁人,现在想来,其实许多悲剧都是咎由自取。The trouble now, so I said, in fact, many of the tragedy is to blame.

她走了走出了我的生命。我错了。我咎由自取我是如此不真实。She's gone, out of my life, I was wrong, I'm to blame, I was so untrue.

那些都是你一时同情心泛滥给予的关爱,是我咎由自取误解成爱情。Those are you compassionate flood care, I bring trouble to oneself misunderstood into love.

我们必须改变方式,以免由于滥用资源而无可挽回地咎由自取。We must change our ways, lest we irreparably damage ourselves through misuse of our resources.

可见痛苦是人们咎由自取的结果,没有欲望也就没有痛苦。Hence sufferings is nobody's fault but one's own. If there were no desire, there would be no suffering.

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被杀学生咎由自取,长大后必为广州黑老大。Is killed the student to have only self to blame, aftergrows up must for the Guangzhou black eldest children.

所以,我说,如果我们不能让孩子咎由自取——开展谈话,和每个人都谈话,聆听。So, I say if we can't let our kids burn themselves out on their one activity – have a conversation, with everyone, and listen.

这家巴黎法院长达73页的判决书称,柯维尔的行为是"咎由自取的隐瞒策略"的结果.The Paris court's 73-page ruling declared Kerviel's actions were the result of a "hidden strategy attributable only and exclusively attributable to himself."

有不少高级软件工程师冷静地提议说,用户输入错误的数据或错用应用程序都是咎由自取。There are quite a few senior software engineers who soberly advise that "users get what they deserve" when they enter faulty data or otherwise misuse an application.

默克尔担忧德国纳税人会抵制为保全咎由自取的银行,援助软弱无能的地中海国家开出更大金额的支票。Frau Merkel is further cramped by anxiety that German taxpayers will revolt against writing even larger cheques to bail out reckless bankers and feckless Club Med nations.