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上帝选择了你,你受之无愧否?God chose you.

上帝选择了你,你受之无愧否?God chose you. Did you deserve it?

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他希望能找到受之无愧的得主。He is hoping to find a deserving winner.

她对于赋予她的荣誉受之无愧。She's worthy of the honour given to her.

他们给他的所有表扬他都受之无愧。He merited all the praises they give him.

对他的赞扬他完全受之无愧。The praise accorded him was fully deserved.

再度恭喜你高升。你是得之无愧啊。Congratulations again on your promotion. You deserve it.

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他的回归将会证明对于雅典的金牌他受之无愧,但这并不容易。He's back to prove he deserves the title, but it won't be easy.

或许他们只是超乎寻常,所以受之无愧。Maybe they are simply great enough to receive without misgiving.

也许他们的生活很伟大,所以受之无愧。May be they are simply great enough to receive without misgiving.

与此同时,奥巴马在家门口的表现也无愧美国选民。Obama isn't doing too badly with his constituents at home either.

如果成就受之无愧的话也会在此阶段降临到他们身上。The achievements, if well deserved, will come to them at this time.

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现在我可以于心无愧和理直气壮地和易洛魁人谈判了。Now I can speak boldly to the Iroquois, and with an easy conscience.

他们认为这里与众不同,但是这种荣誉他们受之无愧。They believe things are different here, but they deserve the credit.

因此将LED光源称为“绿色”光源是受之无愧的。So will the LED light source called "green" the light source is deserved.

本世纪我最喜爱的假音唱作歌手这美誉你受之无愧。You really deserve my favorite falsettist and composing singer of the century.

我认真能成功地治好你,我会深感幸福,并且对新英格兰的感激之情受之无愧!Happy man were I, and well deserving of New England's gratitude, could I achieve this cure!

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走到咖啡机前,给自己倒一杯受之无愧的咖啡,庆祝这次成绩。Go to the coffee machine and pour yourself a well-deserved cup and celebrate that achievement.

忽散忽聚,飘飘悠悠,轻轻盈盈,无愧是大地的杰作!Scattered and poly, floated, gently yingying, clear conscience is the masterpiece of the earth!

母亲就是不断地付出又付出,无论这份爱的礼物她的孩子是否受之无愧。A mother just keeps giving and giving, whether her children deserve the gift of her love or not.