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被窝很大,也很温暖,不一会儿他们便越过雷池,变得非常亲密了。It was big enough, warm enough, and in a little while they deepened their intimacy considerably.

我们有一个良好的自然的纪律环境,因为我们没有哪个球员敢越雷池。There's a good core of natural discipline because we don't have any players who go over the top.

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马伦基本上仍然不越雷池半步,除了那一刻,我抛出了几个问题。Mullen remains largely off-limits except for one moment when I am able to throw a couple of questions.

然而,在侵犯隐私的问题上,把电子监测器装在人身上越过这一雷池了吗?However, when does human electronic monitoring cross the line into becoming a true invasion of privacy?

她说丈夫已道歉并承诺再也不越雷池一步,但她坚持原则要离婚。She said her husband apologised and promised never to do it again, but she insisted she wanted a divorce.

但是,除了装模作样的游行示威,共和党反对派也不太可能轻易越雷池半步。But there is no reason to suppose that republican objections would go beyond rhetorical and token protests.

此刻,我总是成为这样一种人,不喜欢越雷池一步,可有时却发现自己越界了。Now I've always been the kind of person that doesn't like to trespass but sometimes you just find yourself over the line.

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邵一鸣介绍说,一旦发现作弊,申请人将被永远“封杀”,这也使人轻易不敢越雷池半步。Shao Yiming, said if it is found cheating, the applicant will be Forever "ban", which is easily dare not deviate from them.

这种私字膨胀而越雷池的做法,是心灵深处不光彩区域结出的有损他人的果子。This expansion of the private word go approach is the bottom of his heart ignominious yield to the detriment of others regional fruit.

越雷池一步而不能自拔的女人是绝望还是大胆?是迷人的大胆还是厚颜无耻?Is a woman who makes the first move, or second, or third, considered desperate or daring? Is she charmingly bold or offensively brazen?

他在狂怒之下几乎杀死妻子,实现了促使他当初越过雷池的可怕预见。In his rage, he would bring about the death of his wife, fulfilling the terrifying vision that prompted his turn to forbidden knowledge.

虽然温州人对于其合法性含糊其辞,但是毫无疑问一旦胆敢越雷池一步将会有十分严重的后果。Although Wenzhounese quibble about degrees of illegality, there is no question that stepping over the line can lead to serious consequences.

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研究结果显示,在父母反对性行为的情况下,那些看电视看得越多的孩子,他们跨越“雷池”的可能性就越大。It's possible that these children were watching so much television that they had no time for other activities, including sex, the researchers note.

这条分界线不知比原来的大路宽了多少倍,没有学生敢越雷池一步,包括他们和她们的目光,青春的诗情画意在现实的腐朽中埋没得连气都不敢大声喘息。But the boundary was much wider than the original road, nobody dared to cross even to be close to it, which include not only their bodies but also their sights.

特勤局不会让持枪抗议者越雷池半步,绝大部分浏览过那些神经质网站的人也永远不会伤害任何人。The Secret Service does not let gun-wielding protesters too near the president. And the vast majority of people who visit crazy websites will never hurt anyone.

这条分界线不知比原来的大路宽了多少倍,没有学生敢越雷池一步,包括他们和她们的目光,青春的诗情画意在现实的腐朽中埋没得连气都不敢大声喘息。But the boundary was much wider than the original road, nobody dared to cross even to be close to it, which includes not only their bodies but also their sights.

国际人权组织认为中国是一个集权国家,在这里政府有权利恐吓、拘留、甚至处死越过雷池的人们。International human rights groups say that China is a police state in which the government has the power to bully, detain, or even execute citizens who step out of line.

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他听到这个观点以后感到心中狂喜,但是,虽然他坚信以国际港口为象征的国际贸易具有革命性的力量,他仍然强调,网络世界的唯一功能就是补充现实的物质世界,除此之外不应越半步雷池。But while he believes fiercely that the internet harbours a revolutionary power, he is keen to stress that the online world shouldn't do more than supplement the physical world.