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我干嘛要活受罪阿?。Why did I have a living death?

大热天穿着件大衣简直使他活受罪。He cumbered himself with an overcoat on a warm day.

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他毫无耐性,对他来说排队等候完全是活受罪。He's so impatient that waiting in queues is sheer purgatory for him.

和肯恩一起生活上活受罪。他是公司里最邋遢的人。Living with Kean's going to pure hell. He's the biggest slob in the company.

这就是我们现在所说的‘死要面子活受罪、赔了丈夫又折兵’吧。This is what we now call 'Siyaomianzi a pain, lost her husband and folding soldiers' it.

哎哟,这一趟过山车啊坐得我晕头转向的,直想吐!真是活受罪!You are sick and dizzy? What are you talking about? That rollercoaster rocks! I'm going to ride it again!

你的姐妹们都在跟别人跳,要是叫舞场里别的女人跟我跳,没有一个不叫我活受罪的。Your sisters are engaged , and there is not another woman in the room whom it would not be a punishment to me to stand up with.

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我们的城市将不会被这种人所拯救,他们觉得住在这些城市活受罪,迫不急待地想迁往马林或圣何塞、埃文斯顿或韦斯特切斯特。The cities will not be saved by the people who feel condemned to live in them, who can hardly wait to move to Marin or San Jose― or Evanston or Westchester.

一些人过了数年死亡,对于现在在疗养院中就结束我们生命的许多人中的四分之一的人而言,最后的几年就是活受罪。Some people spend years dying, and for many of the one in four of us who currently end our days in a nursing home, those last years can be like a living death.

好天,洗衣店好做而伞店就无生意,而相反雨天伞店好生意而洗衣店就活受罪。The good weather, laundry good business but the umbrella shop has not thrived, but is opposite, gets down the rainy day umbrella shop good business but the laundry to suffer the crime.