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几内亚的新领导人任重道远。"Guinea's new leaders have important work ahead," Dufka said.

创业维艰、未来任重道远,驰球人坚信——我们将开启一个又一个辉煌之门!Start, the future still, Chiqiu believed -- we will open a door to glory!

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亚欧合作方兴未艾,任重道远。Asia-Europe cooperation has just started. There is still a long way ahead.

今天我站在这里,为我们将面对的任重道远而慨叹。Today i am standing here, humbled, because i know that our climb will be deep.

我们深知任重道远,踏实,勤奋,进取,这就是我们无怨无悔的追求。We still knew, sureness, diligence, enterprising, this is our pursuit of regrets.

实现持久和平与共同发展任重道远。There is still a long way to go in the pursuit of durable peace and common development.

在我看来,要有效地保护野生动物,还任重道远。In my point of view, the wild animals were protected effectively still has a long way to go.

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展望未来,我国公路交通事业任重道远,具有广阔的发展空间。Looking forward to the futurity, China's cause of road traffic shoulder heavy responsibility.

展未来任重道远,十五年的创业,今胜夕,回首过去,感慨万千,展望未来,信心百倍。Looking to the future, a long way to go, ten years of pioneering, Now is better than the past.

北大幼儿园渭南明德园作为目前渭南市唯一将高尔夫课作为特色课程的幼儿园,任重道远!PKU kindergarten as the Weinan only golf lessons as a characteristis course, a long way to go!

这是建设创新型国家的一项任重道远的艰巨任务。This is a heavy-burden and long-way arduous task in the construction of an innovative country.

温家宝说,中国仍然是一个发展中国家,实现现代化任重道远。China remains to be a developing country and still has a long way to go to realize modernization.

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这是个任重道远的任务,就2010年而言,就有两百万儿童的父母至少有一方在服役。It's a huge task, as two million children had at least one parent serving in the military in 2010.

因此,要在中国告别重刑主义,仍然是任重道远。Therefore, in order to bid farewell to Severe-Penalty Doctrine in China is still a long way to go.

因此,对于发展中国家而言,社会安全网的建设依然任重道远。So building social safety nets in poor developing countries remains a worthy but long-term project.

实现人类的持久和平与共同发展,仍然任重道远。It will be a long and uphill journey to bring about a lasting peace and common development of mankind.

这种军事上的成功需要检验,而几乎可以肯定的是,歼-20在这方面任重道远。Such military high-fives must be measured against the long road the J-20 almost certainly must travel.

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数日,电脑得“引导”好频频才会醒过来,“引导”这个动词任重道远。Many days he won't wake up until I "boot" him several times, a verb laden with way too much temptation.

尽管妇女的地位有了很大程度的升高,但她们的彻底解放依然任重道远。Although women's status have alterd considerately, their complete liberation if far from being realized.

图书馆在开展职业教育培训、加强信息素质教育等方面,任重道远。参考文献14。In this paper, the authors propose some key points for further education provided by libraries. 14 refs.