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到那时是否意识会具有物理性质呢?Would that then make consciousness a physical property?

我们现在正是在研究小且热的东西所具有的物理性质。And we are studying the properties of small, hot things.

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测定了三种氟醚的物理性质及其去油能力。Furthermore, the degreasing ability of the HFEs was tested.

土壤水分物理性质及林木生长受到局部地段微立地的影响。Microsites affected most soil moisture physical properties and tree growth.

普鲁塔克还记录了灵气的一些物理性质。Plutarch also recorded a number of physical characteristics about the pneuma.

本文研究了醚化和交联反应对玉米淀粉物理性质和结构的影响。The effect of etherifying and cross-linking on starch is studied in this paper.

太平洋赛艇使得巧妙利用独特的物理性质的水。The Pacific Rower makes ingenious use of the unique physical properties of water.

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地球存在实际行动物理性质的爱,被你们一些人误解耽溺沉沦。There exists the actual act of physical love, which some of you mistake for lust.

这种高光泽,中冲级物理性质提供了很好的平衡。This high-gloss, medium-impact grade offers a good balance of physical properties.

因为其特殊的光物理性质,引起我们对它研究的兴趣。Because its unique photophysical property, and arise our interest to this research.

所得挤出物的物理性质及其流变特性均有明显改善。Physical and rheological properties of extrudates were finally improved effectivly.

实验结果显示,加入不同柴油添加剂,油品的各项物理性质均有变化。The results show that physical properties of diesels with different additives vary.

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“我们对于岩石的固态物理性质了解的相当多了”明纳路补充说。"We now pretty much understand the solid-state physics of these rocks, " Minoru added

瑞雷波波速主要与其穿透深度范围内的介质物理性质有关。R wave velocity is mostly relative to the nature of media in which wave can penetrate.

对照玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚的物理性质,参考R。With reference to the physical properties of Bose-Einstein condensates and results of R.

根据安山岩物理性质的特殊性,提出了针对安山岩的断级配。According to particularity of andesite physical property, the gap grading is recommended.

具有物理性质的人体解剖模型的开发是当今世界的前沿课题。The developments and applications of tomographic models are exciting topics in the world.

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同时,对小米物理性质方面的研究进展也做了介绍。In addition, the research advance on the physical character of foxtail millet is introduced.

本文综述了准晶的结构、形成和物理性质的现况。I survey current pictures of the structure, formation and physical properties of quasicrystals.

油田注水开发后,储层地球物理性质将会发生很大变化。The geophysics property of reservoir will have changed largely after water-driving in oil field.