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不公正比全面毁灭来得好。Injustice is preferable to total ruin.

这是很简单的一种正比关系。It could be mathematically worked out.

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,仍然正比于,系统的总能量。Still going to be proportional to the total system energy.

具体来说,光度与半径的平方呈正比。Specifically, luminosity is proportional to radius squared.

梦见这样的律师吧,他们对公正比对一场审判更关切。Dream of lawyers more concerned about justice than a judgeship.

流气正比探测器用在大型X射线荧光光谱仪上,主要用来测量软X射线。The gas flow detector for X-Ray spectrometer detects mainly soft X-rays.

处理成本与消息树的大小之间存在直接的正比关系。Processing cost is directly proportional to the size of the message tree.

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裂缝水流量与水位不呈正比关系。The water-flow in fracture is not directly proportional to the waterhead.

低频情况下共模电流之远场辐射正比于线电流之长度。The low frequency radiation of common mode current is proportional to current length.

概率和我们期望电子所处的位置,存在着一种正比关系。And there is a proportionality between that and where we expect the electron to reside.

具体来说,恒星的光度与温度的四次方呈正比。Specifically, the luminosity of a star is proportional to temperature to the fourth power.

就像我们写的一样,我们得到,正比于。Pi So as we've written it, we've got Pi of Ei exp is proportional to e to the minus Ei over kT.

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实验证明用丁烷作为流气式正比计数管的工作气体是可行的。KX 50 butane flow proportional counter is described and its plateau characteristic is determined.

现在受打击的各国政府正比着赛似的保卫本国优势产业。Governments around the world are racing to protect their cherished, if dented, national champions.

新的门将分球系统将会看到门将现在正比过去反应的更加真实。The "New" GK Distribution system see's the goalkeeper now behaving more realistic than ever before.

一个人成熟的速度是跟他所能忍受的窘迫咸正比的。The rate at which a person can mature is directly proportional to the embarrassment he can tolerate.

且电解质外渗的程度与毒素浓度和处理时间呈正比。The amount of electrolyte leakage was highly related to the treating time and concentration of toxin.

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高新技术和汽车贸易之间的关系,并不一定是正比关系。Between high-tech and automotive trade relationship is not necessarily proportional to the relationship.

此外,经由军功获得学衔及功名的品级也与士人原有的学衔呈正比关系。In addition, the awards received by the military achievement have corresponding with their original grade.

验证谐波在远场球面上之电磁场强度随频率之增加而平方正比上升。The frequency squared dependency of harmonic E-H field intensity is demonstrated for sphere in the far field.