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我带着我的玫瑰。I bring my Rose.

玫瑰是多刺的植物。Rose is a briar.

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七月七的玫瑰!July seven roses!

玫瑰花瓣色拉。Rose-petal salad.

在上面的玫瑰之下。neath roses above.

玫瑰和巧克力?Rose and chocolate?

我喜欢粉色的玫瑰。I like roseate roses.

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铃一铃-玫瑰!Ring- a- ring- a- rosy!

玫瑰萌发新枝。The rose sprouted buds.

赠人玫瑰,手有余香。You share rose get fun.

我是沙仑的玫瑰。I am the rose of Sharon.

玫瑰石,满心的羡慕。Rhodonite, full of envy.

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玫瑰不同于雏菊。Roses vary from daisies.

她在木盆里种玫瑰。She grows roses in tubs.

将玫瑰撒向我们人生的跑道。Strews roses on our way.

他们的脚像玫瑰般红。Their feet are rosy-red.

我异域的野玫瑰。My rose of foreign genre.

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没有无刺玫瑰。Non c'e rosa senza spine.

玫瑰的嫣红,永不退色。Yanhong roses never fade.

我想要闻闻玫瑰的幽香。I want to smell the roses.