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教育,外语,英语学习,“蜗牛和黄鹂鸟”?。"A snail and a yellowbird" is a song.

一只黄鹂鸟落在那棵大树上。A canker-root stopped in that big tree.

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说完,他走了,去找那只黄鹂。And off he went to look for the oriole.

两个黄鹂鸣翠柳。Two golden Orioles in the green willow.

小黄鹂吃食物的样子很有趣。Small oriole eating the food looks very interesting.

妳的声音如黄鹂般悦耳,字字都是甜蜜柔软的歌。妳奔跑时姿式是如此优雅,像豹一般迅捷。Your voice resounds like a songbird's, every word is a sweet, soft song.

我也知道树上有高鸣的黄鹂,唱著入云的高调。I know golden orioles trill in the trees, their melody reaching the clouds.

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这时正是春天,他遇到了她,她和一只他以前从没见过的黄鹂正往北去。This was in the springtime and he met her coming North with an oriole he had never seen before.

浓密的枝叶深处,不时传出几声黄鹂儿的啼鸣——春日的西涧,真是一个幽静的所在啊!The Western Stream under the su rays in Spring was such a quiet and secluded place that poet loved it immensely.

很多“鸟人”还为了他们最喜欢的鸟种专门设计花园景观,包括蜂鸟、黄鹂或者蓝知更鸟。Many birders specially develop their yards to attract their favorite species, such as hummingbirds, orioles or bluebirds.

这个时候,你就会看到一个“小毛球”立在杆子上,我不说,你还真不知道那是小鸟黄鹂在睡觉呢!This time, you'll see a "Xiaomao ball" stand in pole, I do not say that you really do not know if it was sleeping at Oriole birds do!

黄鹂,金莺一种东半球黄鹂属燕雀鸟类,其雄鸟以黑色和鲜艳的黄色或桔黄色为特点。Any of various Old World passerine birds of the family Oriolidae, of which the males are characteristically black and bright yellow or orange.

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在中国,想要通过推广思想文化来保护动物很难起到作用,不仅仅是老虎,孔雀、大象、燕子、黄鹂等等都面临着同样的问题。No matter whether it's the tiger, the peacock, the elephant, the swallow, the yellow oriole, or some other animal, they all face this problem.

这里常年栖息着上万只白鹭以及画眉,翠鸟,黄鹂,猫头鹰,啄木鸟,等珍贵鸟类,因此人称白鹭岛。Here all year round habitat for egrets and thrush of the Shang Wanzhi, Kingfisher, Li Huang, owls, woodpeckers , and other rare birds, so called white Ludao.

人们不妨看看去年巴尔的摩“黄鹂”棒球的第二守垒员罗伯多·阿洛马的恶心表现,他居然在几百万球迷面前,朝裁判约翰·赫什伯克的脸上吐口水。Witness the abominable display last September of Baltimore Orioles second baseman Roberto Alomar, who spat in the face of umpire John Hirschbeck before millions of fans.

黄鹂是文学乃至文艺的象征。童年,爱鸟却没见过黄鹂,以后几次遇到黄鹂,黄鹂的境遇各不相同。Oriole is the symbolism of literature or literary art , loving birds from childhood , but never oriole , later oriole was seen several times but all were in different situations.

奥特朋纽约分会的志愿者认为美国红尾鸟,黄莺,画眉鸟,比氏鸫鸟,巴尔的摩黄鹂和各类唐纳雀可能也受困于此。Volunteers from New York Audubon identified American Redstarts and Yellow Warblers. Wood Thrushes, Bicknell's Thrushes, Baltimore Orioles and various species of Tanager may also have been trapped.

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纽约奥特朋鸟类协会的志愿者鉴定出被困的鸟可能有橙尾鸲莺、黄褐森鸫、比氏夜鸫、橙腹拟黄鹂以及多种唐纳雀。Volunteers from New York Audubon identified American Redstarts and Yellow Warblers. Wood Thrushes, Bicknell’s Thrushes, Baltimore Orioles and various species of Tanager may also have been trapped.