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后悔莫及加上追悔无用!Duihui with regret and useless!

等到失去后才追悔没及。And not to come until after the loss.

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直到失去我才追悔莫急。Until I lost my only regret is not anxious.

它没有用的,因为我总是说,到追悔已经失去的。It's useless, as I always say, to cry over spilled milk.

经常追悔自己做过的事,有负疚感。You often regret what you have done with a sense of guilt.

对可耻的行为的追悔,是对有限生命的拯救。The repentance to shameful actions is the save to the limited life.

追悔过去,不如把握现在,成就未来。Repent the past, grasp now, is better than achievements of the future.

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女人总觉得自己在追悔爱人,其实她只是在为爱情扼腕痛惜。A woman often thinks she regrets the lover, when she only regrets the love.

不要用一生来追悔这三年,要用三年改变自己的一生。Don't use life to regret it for three years, three years to change his life.

在这相似的深夜里,你是否一样,也在静静追悔感伤。In the similar night, whether you are the same, also sad in the static regret.

不要相信下一个会更好,错了。不要追悔过去。Never believe, next will be better, Blunder away , never repair return of regret.

对那些我们将永远不再拥有的旧时光,我们不必无谓地追悔和憧憬了。Let us have done with vain regrets and longings for the days that never will be ours again.

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影片唤起那些正在逝去和逐渐老去的时光,对旧日所历有时亦有追悔。The film evokes time passing by, getting older and sometimes regrets about times used to be.

我不会花太多时间追悔过去,一旦吸取了教训,我就不会再陷在里面了。I don't spend much time, regretting the past, once I've taken my lesson from it. I don't dwell on it.

让我追悔少年时代我心灵的愚钝无知,轻易地错过了我一生中本来可以获得的欢乐和幸福!Let me regret the youth ignorant. I have easily missed happiness which belonged to me of my whole life.

一个人并不需要活在记忆里,去追悔逝去的时日,或一直沉浸在失去朋友的悲恸中。It does not do to live in memories, in regrets for the good old days, or in sadness about friend who are dead.

记住,无论做什么,失误总是生活的一部分。所以不要浪费时间,为过去追悔自责。Keep in mind that whatever you do, mistakes are part of life. So don't waste time kicking yourself for the past.

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一些失去工作的女性对自己过去在穿着打扮方面的随意颇为追悔。Some of the women who have lost their jobs find themselves second-guessing any sartorial liberties they did take.

我们太沉你于对过去的追悔、对将来的和一切可能性的关注,结果反而错失了今天。We become so caught up in what could have been, what should be, what might be, that many of our today's are lost.

我决心把自己的余生献给它,只是追悔以往的岁月被白白地浪费在鸡毛蒜皮的琐事上。I propose to devote the remainder of mine to it, and can only regret the wasted years, squandered in trivialities.