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周围是六呎厚的雪。In six feet of snow.

对得住周围的一切?Periphery to lives all?

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石头存在于我们的周围。Stone is all around us.

这个湖周围的地方出现了新面貌。The land the lake a new.

周围都是讲中文。All around the Chinese say.

我们周围的海水上涨了。The sea distended about us.

我们在大楼周围散步。We walked around the block.

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避免在失败者周围徘徊。Avoid hanging around losers.

你在他们周围的感觉如何?How do you feel around them?

现在,贾尔周围都是急性子的人。Now he was in heady company.

在这爱情坟墓的周围。Around the sepulcher of love.

他引起了周围之人的仇恨。He arouses hatred around him.

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我周围有很多人用功念书学习。I'm around a lot of studying.

男孩在那周围逡巡。The boy was wandering around.

那些男人在营地的周围不停地走动。The men move around the camp.

那晚有月亮,周围全是树林。The moonlit woods all around.

大风在他们周围呼呼地刮着。The wind whistled round them.

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周围每一个人度知道他是个偷鸡摸狗的人。He is a men who is on the sly.

这只羊的周围有几只小羊。They had roast lamb for lunch.

我们周围到处都是水。Water is everywhere around us.