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他在音乐学院学习的是美声唱法。He learned to bel canto in a conservatory.

中国的传统演唱方法和美声有点相似。Chinese singing style is a bit similar to bel canto.

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美声唱法成了中国声乐教学的蓝本。It is the blueprint of the teaching of vocal music in China.

结论指出了美声唱法在音乐剧中的发展问题。In conclusion, I indicate the development of Bel canto in musical.

科学的呼吸方法是美声歌唱的基础和出发点。A scientific way of breathing is the very basis of euphonic singing.

美声唱流行——勇于创新还是不伦不类?。Bel canto in pop singing-Is that innovation, or some useless gimmick?

举个例子,在一场电影里,一个女人用很高的美声唱歌。For example, in one movie a woman sings with a very high falsetto voice.

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面罩共鸣被称为美声唱法的精髓和关键。Above-head resonating is called quintessence and key in bel conto singing.

但没有明显的继任者,她在这美妙戏剧性美声唱法角色?But is there no obvious successor to her in these wonderfully dramatic bel canto roles?

我们可以把英语普通话比作美声唱法,而把美国英语比作流行唱法。We may compare Queen's English to bel canto songs and American English to popular ones.

圣叹调是充满喜庆或赞美的美声唱曲,采用单一、重复的音调。Chants are vocal songs of celebration and praise, recited in monotonous, repetitive tones.

一句话,我喜欢美声和摇滚多过其他形式的音乐。In one word, I love bel canto and Rock & Roll a little more than other forms of performance.

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这也是“美声唱法”中“高效低耗原则”的本质所在。This is also the essence of "the Principle of High Efficiency and Low Consumption" in bel canto.

作为传统的意大利美声唱法,有其自身的规定性和科学性。The Italy being a tradition the Vocals sing a method and have it provision and science of oneself.

纵观美声学派各种学说,有关“头声”的论述可以说俯拾皆是。The discussions about "head voice" could be found in all kinds of theories of the school of Bel Canto.

本文通过应用频谱分析方法对我国越剧唱法的声音形态进行了研究并且与美声唱法进行了比较。The paper studies the singing of Shaoxing opera by spectrum analyzing and makes a comparison with bel canto.

年轻歌手谭晶主要唱美声和民族的歌曲,也唱通俗歌曲。The young singer Tan crystal mainly sings the beautiful sound and nationality's song, also sings the pop song.

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而二重唱的演唱形式,则大胆的将美声男高音、民族女中音有机结合。The duo's singing form, the bold sound of the tenor of the United States, national organic combination of mezzo-soprano.

我科班出身是美声,但是我硕士又是音乐剧,现在也在搞音乐剧,但是我也在做流行,现在又录了世界音乐的专辑。My major in university was vocal, and musical theater when master. Now I'm working on musical theater but also pop songs.

美声唱法是从宗教音乐的背景中诞生的,最早源自“阉人歌手”。Bel canto originated from Castrato under the background of religious music and has retained the vocal techniques used by Castrati.