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他们俩在那里闹腾,老板娘差点休克。They were there Naoteng, she almost shock.

玲珑又去郭湘成府上闹腾了。Delicate went into your home Naoteng of Guo.

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一个秋天的上午,全班闹腾起来。One fall morning, the class was abuzz with excitment.

还要确保你这边的人闹腾得像生死抉择一样。Then make sure your side fights like it's life or death.

没日没夜的照顾小闹腾非常的辛苦。Consoling a colicky baby night after night is terribly hard.

人们往往不动声色地坐在那里,瞧着这位瘦小的提琴手闹腾一番。Too often people sat stolidly watching the noisy little fiddler.

为此,我们老俩口闹腾的一夜也没睡好。For this reason, we both make a night of old mouth didn't sleep well.

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起初只知道他们两人爱玩爱闹腾,在美院时小有才气是有名的。Before I met her, I only knew they were well-known in CAFA for their talent.

让锡金人,克什米尔人和国大党人闹腾去吧,反正大多数麻烦也不在俺们安得拉。Let Sikhs, Kashmiris and Congress be. most of troubles aren't made in Andhra.

他们来到河边,水精不敢过河,闹腾起来。They came to a river, and she grew very restless, fearing to cross the water.

不过我想说她是一个很有趣很闹腾的人,有点搞怪,能让周围的人很开心。But all I can say is that she is hilarious, a goofball , and fun to hang around with.

经过在外面城里的一晚闹腾后,科学家们相信,下面所列的这些将会在你体内发生。Here is what scientists believe takes place in the body after a big night out on the town.

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你1岁时,她为你哺乳,为你沐浴。而你对她的感恩回报,啼哭闹腾,彻夜不休。When you were 1 year old, she fed you and bathed you. You thanked her by crying all night long.

韩继善女士说,自7月的公共汽车事件发生后,她的家里已经闹腾得“底朝天”了。Ms. Hahn said that after the incident in the bus last July, her family was "turned upside down."

想象一下,如果你身处一家养鸡场的隔壁,天天就听到那么闹腾的叽叽喳喳声,会不会觉得忍无可忍?。Imagine, if you live in a chicken farm next door, then heard every day on the spirits of some kind of sound, will find intolerable?

今晚大多数人都将回到自己的温暖的小家,迎接家里闹腾的小狗,吵闹的孩童,他们的伴侣会关切的打听白天发生的事情,晚上,他们在夜幕中安然入睡。Tonight most people will be welcomed home by jumping dogs and squealing kids. Their spouses will ask about their day and tonight they'll sleep.

把博客全关了的话,那就不得了了,外国戆女人和国内没读过书的汉奸一起闹腾起来,也够受的。All of the Commissioner of the blog, then it foreign and domestic Gang woman did not read the book together Naoteng traitor, also the subject enough.

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于是那鱼闹腾起来,尽管死到临头了,它仍从水中高高跳起,把它那惊人的长度和宽度,它的力量和美,全都暴露无遗。Then the fish came alive, with his death in him, and rose high out of the water showing all his great length and width and all his power and his beauty.

比如说你一个人洗澡的时候,就不断有人进浴室闹腾你,久而久之你也有习以为常的妥协了,我自己都被吓了一跳,我是个喜欢独处的人,我很惊讶的发现,被家人环绕,我是如此的开心。I've shocked myself because I'm somebody that likes to be on my own. But I'm surprised how much I'm very happy to be surrounded by everybody in my family.

玉珠听刘文凯说刘璇闹腾后还是得按父母设计的道路走,担心刘文凯终究也是一样的结局。Jade bead after listening to Liu Wenkai said liu xuan banging or path is designed according to the parents, worried about Liu Wenkai, after all, is the same result.