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是吃不着葡萄就说葡萄酸吗?Sour grapes?

串串葡萄很美啊!Bunches of Grapes!

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葡萄上市了。Grapes are now in.

这葡萄是酸的。The Grapes are sour!

这些葡萄熟了。These grapes are ripe.

妈妈,要梨还是要葡萄?A pear or a grape, Mama?

糖渍葡萄一斤。A pound of sugared raisins.

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白兰地酒是用葡萄酿的。Brandy is made from grapes.

这葡萄有酸味。The grape has a sour taste.

采葡萄的工人已经走了。The grape-pickers had left.

这些葡萄真酸!How sour these grapes taste!

这葡萄熟得很晚。This grape ripens very late.

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这些是次级葡萄。These are second-grade grapes.

你可曾见过玛鲁葡萄?Have you ever seen Maru grapes?

葡萄繦沿墙壁向上生长。The grapevine climbed the wall.

这也算是酸葡萄心理的一例吧。A case, perhaps, of sour grapes.

戈比给山羊一些葡萄。Gaby gives the goat some grapes.

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葡萄又圆又紫。The grapes are round and purple.

那串葡萄卖多少钱?How much is that bunch of grapes?

可我知道,那不过是‘酸葡萄’。But I know it is just sour grapes.