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没有救生员。No lifeguard on duty.

我们有救生员值班。We have lifeguards on duty.

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谭雅是位美丽的救生员。Tonya is a beautiful lifeguard.

那个救生员真帅!NO07, That lifeguard is really cute!

救生员四处巡逻。The lifeguards were watching around.

现在救生员全都回家了。Now the lifeguards have all gone home.

太阳晒黑了救生员的皮肤。The sun bronzed the lifeguards's skin.

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救生员帮助丹恩回到岸上。The lifeguard helps Dan out of the water.

你有没有看到那个新来的、长得很好看的救生员?Did you see that good -looking new lifeguard?

救生员被训练以应付紧急情况。Lifeguards are trained to deal with emergencies.

马克又赢了,那些救生员也被溅得更湿了。Mark won again, splashing the lifeguards even more.

戴维想当救生员,可他不会游泳!David wanted to be a lifesaver but he couldn't swim!

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救生员把溺水者的头托出水面。The lifeguard held the drowning man's head above water.

拥有或能够考取有效救生员证者最佳。Possess or able to obtain a valid lifeguard certification.

海滨救生员通经日常旗号传达讯息。The beach life-guards applying flag one anotIT for communication.

海滨救生员通常用旗号传达信息。The beach life-guards usually flag one another for communication.

海滨救生员通常用旗号传达讯息。The beach life-guards usually flag one another for communication.

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救生员一定要接受训练学会应付各种紧急情况。The lifeguards must be trained to deal with any sort of emergency.

战争因此停止了大约10分钟,最后美国救生员打垮了德国佬。The war stops for 10 minutes until the American clobbers the Kraut.

当我结束基础训练正式成为一名海岸警卫队的救生员时,我知道爸爸肯定会为我感到骄傲。He would have been proud that I became a Coast Guard rescue swimmer.