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养成良好的卫生习惯。Practice good hygiene.

养成好的学习习惯。Develop good study habits.

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他养成一种恶习。He contracted a bad habit.

没有立即养成的习惯。There are no instant habits.

请不要让我养成不好的习惯。Don't let me form bad habits.

养成好习惯,一辈子受用不尽。Good habits, a lifetime ever.

我学会了往养成这类习气。I was taught to cultivate it.

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他养成忍耐性。He schools himself to patience.

最后,养成良好的生活习惯。Finally, form good living habits.

习惯是由重复养成的。Habits are created by repetition.

你们必须养成用字的直觉。You must develop a feel for words.

不要养成挑三拣四的习惯。Don't form a habit of being choosy.

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他养成了对科学的兴趣。He developed an interest in science.

她已经养成动不动就生气的习惯。She'd got into the habit of sulking.

他已养成了做自己事的习流。He has practised doing his own things.

养成“多付少取”的习惯。The habit of doing more than paid for.

你是否养成锻炼身体的习惯?Have you built the habit of exercising?

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不要养成散漫的生活作风。Don't form an undisciplined way of life.

所以应该养成有规律地眨眼睛的习惯。Get into the habit of blinking regularly.

养成良好的每日口腔卫生习惯。Develop a good daily oral hygiene routine.