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你的话真是令人百思不解。Your words are simply incomprehensible.

这件神秘事情使我百思不解。I am puzzled by the difficult questions.

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心中百思不解,为何世道变了。Mind does not understand why the morals have changed.

沃威百思不解,替姜窦深深地可惜。WoWei BaiSiBuXie for ginger, deeply regrettable sinus.

那时,你会百思不解自己当初怎么会觉得它难以了解。And you will not understand how you could ever have found it difficult.

从1970年代开始,一种奇怪的现象让全世界百思不解。Starting in the 1970s, a strange phenomenon baffled and confused the world.

突如其来的空间转变令他百思不解,接下来的事情更让他大吃一惊。Baffled and space of the sudden change in his, the next thing more surprise him.

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我无法说出什么力量起作用,在那里浸透于百思不解的思绪中。I cannot tell what power is at work, drenched there with purpose, knowing nothing.

金格里奇对一些人认为宗教和科学有冲突,仍百思不解。Gingerich is still baffled by the conflict that many people feel between religion and science.

邓不利多把粘在一起的柠檬硬糖分开,肯定让美国读者觉得百思不解,因为柠檬硬糖通常是不会粘在一起的。It is strange to American readers that Dumbledore is unsticking two lemon drops, since it's not particularly likely that lemon drops would stick together.

第一个研究所设立在偏僻贫瘠的纳塔尔,虽然这种做法没有让一些巴西科学家觉得疏远,但也让许多人百思不解。And if the approach alienated some Brazilian scientists, the decision to locate the first institute in the impoverished hinterland of Natal also mystified many of them.