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没有证人。No witnesses.

证人可能持有偏见。The witness may be biased.

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案发时,没有证人在场。I wasn't there at the time.

那个证人对法庭撒谎。The witness lied to the court.

第一证人是制帽人。The first witness was the Hatter.

证人证明这些确是事实。The witness affirmed to the facts.

请带证人入庭。Bring in the witness Longhi Tanaka.

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证人偏离了事实真相。The witness deviated from the truth.

谁料证人带人上来围搅。Bring people up who witness stirring.

您相疑证人的陈述吗?Do you believe the witness's statement?

证人撒谎作伪证。Witnesses lied and perjured themselves.

那个证人没有偏见,因而是可靠的。The witness is unbiased and so reliable.

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证人把事实陈述得很清楚。The witness stated the facts very clearly.

他以巧妙的质问诱使证人说话前后矛盾。He tripped the witness by artful questions.

法官不得在其受理的案件中当证人。A judge cannot be a witness in his own cause.

证人推翻了她原来的证词。The witness disaffirmed her former testimony.

那个证人歪曲了他的证词。The witness stands unsworn unsworn testimony.

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他机敏的提问使证人无言可对。He cornered the witness with clever questions.

这些坏蛋在审判前就把证人给杀掉了。The crooks offed the witness before the trial.

总统试图收买虚假证人。The president tried to suborn false witnesses.