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窗户上布满了霜花。The windows are filled with frost.

单扇大玻璃窗上结着霜花。The single large window was patterned with frost.

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唇边凝结的霜花阻去了好奇。Frost has congealed on the lip and forbidden the curiosity.

霜花霜冻形成如在玻璃窗上的复杂图案。The intricate patterns produced by frost, as on a windowpane.

妈妈,烛光里的妈妈,您的黑发泛起霜花。Mother, Mother in candlelighting, your black hair seems to be frosted.

妈妈,烛光里的妈妈,您的黑发泛起霜花。Mother, Mother in the candlelight, your black hair seems to be frosted.

并就不同的霜花机整机组成,阐述了霜花效果的差异。Different composition of frosting machine would lead to different frosted effect.

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如果友谊是真的,它就不会是玻璃丝或者霜花,而是我们所知最坚固的东西。When they are real, they are not glass threads or frostwork, but the solidest thing we know.

而我们回报的,是染尽父亲双鬓的霜花,是刻满母亲脸庞如沟坎的皱纹。Our reward is to dye the frosting to make his father Shuangbin is engraved mother's face as Goukan wrinkles.

彩色霜花灯芯绒的后整理主要是普通水洗、超柔软水洗和生物酶水洗。The after treatment of multicolor frosted corduroy was classified as common washing, super soft washing and enzyme washing.

他们拿银箔和银丝做成一束束花,活象霜花在玻璃窗上凝成的美妙花纹。They make bunches of flowers, from flakes and wires of silver, that counterfeit the delicate creations the frost weaves upon a window pane.

从理论和生产二方面阐述了霜花双色仿色拔灯芯绒生产工艺和生产流程,并对生产中的关键问题作出了重点探讨。Production process and cruxes of frosted double coloured corduroy by imitation colour discharge printing are expounded from both principle and practice.

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霜花,小小的霜花,不像雪花那样持久,不似冰块那般长命,但你决不自暴自弃,为赢得时间尽心尽能。Frost flower, little frost flower, you cannot keep your life as long as ice, but you do not abandon yourself to despair and do your best to win time instead.

霜花,小小的霜花,不像雪花那样灵秀,不似冰块那般晶莹,但你决不自惭形秽,为装点大地尽心尽能。Frost flower, little frost flower, you're neither graceful as snow flake nor crystalline as ice, but you don't have the sense of inferiority and do your utmost to decorate the earth instead.

昨夜英伦大雾,气温骤降。早起发现窗外一片银装素裹,我还以为是下了小雪了呢,实际上却是一次罕见的霜花现象。I got up early in the morning and I found the lawn, the shrubs and the flowers covered with white color things, I thought it would be a light snow but finally I found it a very unusual frost mist.