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云山,你知道么?Yun-shan, do you know what?

欢迎来到云山饭店。Welcome to the Yunshan Hotel.

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我曾蹒跚在那十二座雾海云山之中。I've stumbled on the side of twelve misty mountains.

今天我由慈云山行回家里,有9公里。Today I walk from Tsz Wan Shan to Tai Wai, about 9 km.

下午好。欢迎来到云山饭店。先生需要我帮忙吗?Good afternoon. Welcome to the Yunshan Hotel. May i help you, sir?

产于浙江省杭州西湖周围的狮子峰、龙井、五云山、虎跑和梅家坞等地。Produce in the Longjing mountain area of Hangzhou nearby the West Lake.

相反,如果你努力让自己挣脱出来,事情好像就不会云山雾绕的了。However, the picture would be clear if you struggled yourself out of it.

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气流不仅制造云塔云山,还会撕裂云层,制造窟窿和深渊。Airflows create not just towers and hills, but also some breaches and abysses.

其中“云山叠翠”在2002年被誉为“新世纪羊城八景”之一。"Baiyun Mountain"was honored as one of the Eight Attractions of Guangzhou in 2002.

云山咖啡屋的咖啡传媒隶属广东外语外贸大学。Coffee Press belongs to the Yunshan Cafe of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies.

罗云山收到信鸽传来的密件,他们迅速将截获的密件进行破译。Luo Yunshan receiving pigeons from documents, they will quickly seized documents to decipher.

塔云山道观位于陕西镇安县西南的柴坪镇境内,是最著名的道观之一。Tayun Mountain, located in Chaiping town, is one of the most famous peaks associated with Taoism.

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云山大酒店位于广州市动物园西侧,交通便利,是一间现代化的酒店。Yunshan located in the west side of the Guangzhou City Zoo, transport facilities, it is a modern hotel.

关云山误会了沈心的生日,热心给沈心做了一大桌菜,沈心也有所感动。Yun-shan guan misunderstood shen heart birthday, keen to shen heart made a big table, shen heart is moved.

产于安徽省灵璧县磬云山,灵璧奇石形成于8亿多年前。Made in lingbi county, anhui province qing yunshan, lingbi stone formed in the more than 800 million years ago.

基于公司扩展业务关系,我们现正寻求合适人选加入我们位于蓝田及慈云山的诊所。In order to fulfil our expanding business needs, we are now looking for suitable candidates to join us in our clinic.

中宣部部长刘云山昨天开始访问朝鲜。他将与谁举行会谈?Minister Liu Yunshan of the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee started his visit to the DPRK yesterday.

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对湖南云山国家森林公园观赏植物资源进行了实地考察与查证。The field survey and verification were made on the ornamental plant resources in Yunshan National Forest Park of Hunan.

先是说些云山雾海神仙玄幻之事,后便说到红尘中荣华富贵。Prior others, told some hyperphenomena about immortals amid Sea of Brume , then the nabobism in the World of Ruber Dust.

湖南省云山自然保护区主要保护对象是中亚热带向北亚热带过渡的代表性森林生态系统。Representational forest-ecological system transiting form central subtropics to northland was protected in Yunshan nature reserve.