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我确信帕克工作非常卖命。And Im sure Parker works her socks off.

无论是生病还是身体健康,他都会卖命地工作。Be he sick or well, he works entirely hard.

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她工作非常卖命,常常连家都忘了。She works so hard that she is often neglectful of her family.

工人们为资本家卖命。The workers worked themselves to the bone for the capitalists.

我不想再为英国最恶毒的人卖命!I don't wish to work any longer for the wickedest man in England!

各相关部份卖命详细施行。Each relevant department is respoible for specific implementation.

它们之所以这么卖命,就是因为我们都需要一个这样的产品。And the reason that they worked so hard is because we all wanted one.

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擅长概念艺术和纹理制作,有很多艺术青年当他的小弟给他卖命。Good at concept art and texturing. Has many artist minions that do his bidding.

所有和他一起工作的球员都能提高,前提是他们服从穆帅的命令,训练很卖命。All players that work with him can improve, provided they listen and train well.

现在为止所卖命的地域完成为了凌驾300万台数字终真个贩卖。Areas of respoibility so far completed more than 300 million digital terminal sales.

为严苛的主子卖命是痛苦的,但是没有为之卖命的主子更痛苦。To toil for a hard master is bitter, but have no master to toil for is bitter still.

桑迪·朗说布兰登工作很卖命,而且心有抱负,不过也把家庭放在第一位。Brendan was hardworking and ambitious, Sandy Lang said, butfamily was everything to him.

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作家的一生都被为钱卖命的不变常规和交配仪式牢牢拴住。The writer chained for life to the routine of a wage slave and the ritual of copulation.

如果你很卖命的工作并且给公司创造了价值,你本应该得到酬谢。If you work hard and benefit the company you work for, you deserve to be rewarded for that.

它还指控马蒂是为塞尔维亚卖命,该指控在科索沃民众中广为接受。It has accused Mr Marty of working on behalf of Serbia, a claim many Kosovars will believe.

伊拉克政权派出行刑队,杀害那些不愿为一个残酷的政权卖命,毅然投身自由的伊拉克人。It has sent execution squads to kill Iraqis who choose freedom over fighting for a brutal regime.

好些替微软视窗卖命的年轻人原先都效命于施乐公司帕洛阿尔托研究中心。Some of the guys who wrote Microsoft Windows had previous worked on window systems at Xerox PAPC.

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如果你曾记日记,回过头来看看,很可能你想知道为什么你要为X卖命般地工作。If you've ever kept a diary and looked back, you'll probably wonder why you ever got so worked up over X.

见面后金纯情认识到自己卖命的这个男人的丑恶,出门生气的把衣服甩在了姜敏浩身上。To meet the mans work very pure feeling recognise their ugly, go out the clothes in the Jiang Minhao angry.

尽管冉闵是一个刽子手和暴君,他珍爱军人,军队为他卖命。And although Ran Min is a butcher and tyrant he still love his troops so they would fight with him to the death.