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心情似雪碧!Feeling like Sprite!

我平服自己激动的心情。I lay my excitement.

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我的心情坏透了。I'm in the bad mood.

那消息使我们心情激动。The news excited us.

带着崭新的心情出发喽!We start with new mood!

心情开朗寿命长!A light heart live long!

唱歌于自己心情开朗。My singing is out of tune.

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阳光让我心情愉快。The sun makes me feel good.

心情拖一朵艳丽的花。Mood tows a gorgeous flower.

我选择心情愉快。choose to be in a good mood.

为你,我白了自己的心情。For you, I'm white your mood.

他心情不快地望着大海。He looked at the sea moodily.

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他被烦恼折腾得心情沈重。The trouble weighed him down.

"快乐"一词还不足以表达我的心情,我是乐不可支,飘飘欲仙。"Enjoyed" is too mild a word.

然而克里斯蒂的心情很沉重。But Kristen’s heart was heavy.

他心情沉重地回来了。He returned with a heavy heart.

这场争论使他心情不好。The argument darkened his mood.

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他以炽烈的焦急心情倾耳细听。He listened with ardent anxiety.

他心情沉重地回到家里。He went home with a heavy heart.

我心情很高兴想去看部精彩的电影。I'm in the mood for a good film.