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从此人有了原罪。Original sin, people.

无原罪就是“无污点“的意思“Immaculate means "without stain."

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他要比原罪更令人愉快一些。He is pleasanter than original sin.

你要比原罪更令人愉快一些。He was pleasanter than original sin.

贪婪是邪恶的,它是一种先于上帝与人类的原罪。Greed is iniquitous, a sin before God and man.

除了原罪外荷马还能有什么主题?The Heart. What theme had Homer but original sin?

对于金斯基来说,美是她的原罪。For Kinski, the United States and her original sin.

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耶稣赦免全人类,虽然人类保有原罪。Jesus forgives all of us that repents of their sin.

但我相信,这些人不曾犯下过有违生命的原罪。Yet I believe these men have never sinned against life.

肉食性动物有原罪吗,既然它们吃肉?Do carnivores have any original sins since they eat meat?

对于第一个问题,原罪应属于爱尔兰。On the first question, the original sin lies with Ireland.

嫉妒不单是一种致命的原罪,还是一种实实在在的感情。Envy is not just a deadly sin, it is also an emotional reality.

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它是指玛利亚的怀孕,圣洁无原罪。It refers to the conception of Mary as being without Original Sin.

原罪就是当你对一件事的第一个思维出了错时。Original sin is when your first thought about a thing is in error.

人类基因组也将会回答关于原罪的古老问题。The genome will answer, too, the age-old question of original sin.

他们将懒惰归为七宗原罪之一。They considered being lazy or slothful one of the seven deadly sins.

原罪通过亚当一代一代的传给了我们,成为了我们的一部分。This is because of that sin nature that is a part of us through Adam.

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但是,日本民众并没有双倍的原罪。However, the Japanese people do not have a double dose of original sin.

依旧是原罪跟毁灭的观念当著「被误置的代表」。It's still the idea of sin and destruction as " displaced represented."

告解庭是一种仪式,承认自己是原罪违犯者及忏悔者。Exomologesis was a ritual of recognizing oneself as a sinner and a penitent.