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男人、女人都喜欢得到青睐和赏识。Men and women love to be appreciated.

赏识您所完秤弈。Appreciate what you have accomplished.

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他很快就受到了上级的赏识。Soon he was caressed by his superiors.

站点的用户也会赏识这种做法。Site users will appreciate this as well.

她的音乐才能无人赏识。Her talent for music was not appreciated.

谁真的赏识它真正的价值?Who really appreciated at its true value?

赏识小的改变的重要意义Recognize the significance of small moves.

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咱们骑着脚踏车一路赏识柳绿粉红色。We all appreciate the fine girls bicycles.

做为一名局外人,他一向十分赏识这位丽莉·巴特。As a spectator, he had always enjoyed Lily Bart.

尺八是一种受到普遍赏识的长笛乐器。The shakuhachi is a flute, universally appreciated.

每个人都赏识其他人拿出来的东西。Everyone appreciates what others bring to the table.

良弼直言敢谏,深受将军赏识。Admonitionliang Bute dare say, by general recognition.

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获得非常想得到的升职、加薪或赏识Getting that much-wanted promotion, raise, or recognition

我赏识诚笃、有缔造力和布满激情的人。I admire a person who is honest, creative and passionate.

你的诚意将有助于人们感到被赏识。Your sincerity will help to make people feel appreciated.

对你的出众才华和文学造诣的赏识。Appreciation of your high talents and literary attainments.

晋王已经越来越受皇上的赏识。The king of jin has been more and more get the recognition.

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而且你还要经常面临你的表现不被赏识的境遇。As often as not, you'll be unrecognized for your performance.

谦逊是为人人所赏识的永恒的美德。Humility is a timeless virtue that's appreciated by everyone.

桑弘羊大得武帝赏识,汉朝经济立见起色。These big emperor appreciated the Han economy made lackluster.