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我们要加强医德医风的教育。We should strengthen education on medical ethics.

医德不允许医生登广告。Medical ethics do not permit doctors to advertise.

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他有高尚的医德医风和很高的道德修养。He has high-spirited medical ethics and moral cultivation.

冯润身教授从医60余年,注重医德,医技精湛。Professor FENG Run-shen is engaged in medicine for more than 60 years.

为人谦和,有高度的责任心和高尚医德。He is modest affability with high responsibility and nobility medical ethics.

医德医风的好坏,直接关系到医疗卫生事业的兴衰成败。Medical ethics construction relates to the development of health undertaking.

其良好医德及精湛医技给不孕不育夫妇带来了福音。Good medical ethics and superb skills to infertile couples brought the Gospel.

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医德教育过程是道德认知与道德行为的统一。The process of medical ethics education embodies moral cognition and moral behaviors.

结果显示,医德医风问题在非典以前较多,非典期间减少,非典之后又有所增加。It indicates less occurrences of problems during SARS than ever, but more again after.

没有您高超的医道和美好的医德,我内人是无法得以在如此短的时间内恢复健康的。Ohne Ihre Kunst und Güte wäre meine Frau nicht in so kurzer Zeit wieder gesund geworden.

医德建设在医院管理工作中具有举足轻重的作用。The medical ethics construction has the pivotal function in the hospital management work.

扁鹊以其精湛的医术、医德深受百姓爱戴,从而受到历代祭祀。Que medicine for its exquisite, ethics loved by the people in order to be religious history.

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作为医院的管理者,应该充分认识到加强医德医风建设的重要性。So the managers of the hospital should realize the importance of medical ethics construction.

言行庄重、不躁不贪是医德的具体表现。Solemn words and deeds, "no greed and fickleness " are specific performance of medical ethics.

外科医生、麻醉师的灰色收入收入你算过吗?没医德的大夫还是少一点好。Surgeons, anesthetists and gray balance of your Income before?Not medical doctors or less good.

建立医德医风检查考核制度,对医务人员医德医风考核进行量化评估。Set up professionalism inspection and assessment to quantify staff's professionalism performance.

从朱医生网站足见他悲天悯人的心怀,也折射出他高尚的医德和人格。Dr. Zhu evident from his compassionate heart site, also reflects his noble ethics and personality.

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医德情感具有丰富的内容和不同于其他道德情感的特征。Medical Ethics is rich in emotional content and moral sensibility is different from other features.

第二部分,医学院校学生医德教育的现状。Second part, medicine colleges and universities student medical ethics education present situation.

医德医风建设需要配套的评估体系才能形成长效机制。A supportive appraisal system is needed in medical ethics construction to guarantee its persistent effect.