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一个阳光流泻于曔天的日子。Day Of Sunshine In The Skies.

哦.殷红的血滴流泻。Oh the bleeding drops of red!

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优美的音乐从门缝中流泻出来。Melodious music escapes out the door.

就让音乐流泻,一整晚,一整晚。Let the melody flow, all night, all night.

明亮如清辉流泻的星辰。The brightness, such as pure , flows of stars.

瀑布奔腾的水流泻落在我们的船上。The water of waterfall was overshooting our boat.

亚利桑那州的大峡谷国家公园里,一道带状流水沿着悬崖流泻而下。A ribbon of water spills down a cliff in Grand Canyon National Park in Arizona.

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他无自我的流泻,有的只是丰富的知识,并谦逊地与我们大家分享。He exuded no ego only a wealth of knowledge which he humbly shared with us all.

当约翰·列侬落笔的时候,笔尖流泻出来的通常都是充满灵感的甚至崇高的作品。When John Lennon put pen to paper, the result was usually inspired and occasionally sublime.

熔岩顺着山体陡峭的一面以每小时100千米的速度迅速流泻出熔岩湖。Runny lava flowed down its steep sides at rates of nearly 100 km per hour, quickly draining the lake.

当约翰·列侬落笔的时候,笔尖流泻出来的通常都是充满灵感的甚至崇高的作品。不过也不尽然。When John Lennon put pen to paper, the result was usually inspired and occasionally sublime. But not always.

跳动起最明亮鲜活的音符,流泻开最悠扬轻快的乐声,营造出最富有希望的清晨。The most lovely and refreshing tune, Soothing and light-hearted music, Creating a morning full of hopes and joy.

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所有那些模糊不清的,难以回想的梦,那些美丽的花火和呼吸的气息,伴随着每一首歌曲缓缓流泻而入。All the intangibles, the clusive dreams, the fire and breath that accompanies each song that you sing, streams in.

电荷一旦足够强大,无形的电子流就会以锯齿状从云端向大地流泻。Once the charge is powerful enough, an invisible flow of electrons flows from the cloud to the ground in a zig-zag pattern.

下课休息,有时手边自然而然地在琴键上滑过,竟也流泻出一行悦耳的旋律。Class is over, sometimes rest at hand naturally on those keys slip, unexpectedly also spreads out a line of pleasant melody.

所有那些模糊不清的,难以回想的梦,那些美丽的火花和呼吸的气息,伴随着每一首歌曲缓缓流泻而入。All the intangibles , the elusive dreams, the fire and breath that accompanies each song that you sing, streams in. The addiction.

莱莫尔修女身着白袍出现,腰间系着一条七彩编织腰带,她的秀发流泻在肩上。Septa Lemore had emerged in her white robes, cinched at the waist with a woven belt of seven colors. Her hair flowed loose about her shoulders.

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从杏仁核流泻而下的讯息,会传到其馀的边缘系统,最终抵达自律神经系统,好让身体为行动预做准备。Messages cascade from the amygdala to the rest of the limbic system and eventually reach the autonomic nervous system, which prepares the body for action.

这首诗记忆了那段时光,但印象深刻的是,我想表达一种静止,等待,表达夏日阳光流泻那种灵动的感觉。This poem remembers that time, but in an impressionistic way. I wanted to convey the stillness, the waiting, the about-to-happen feeling of summer light going.

透过立面,室内的灯光从不同部位流泻出来,尤其当从主街道上观看的时候,建筑的表情会在黎明时刻发生戏剧化的渐变。Regionally different patterns of light spill through the façade from the interior, allowing a gradual change of character at dawn, especially as viewed from the main street.