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我将是主要的忏悔者。I'll be chief mourner.

我没有什么可忏悔的。I have nothing to repent of.

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忏悔嘛,我已经做得够多的了!Of penance, I have had enough!

忏悔吧,现在还为时不晚!Repent, before it is too late!

我正在忏悔我的罪恶,跟你。I’m confessing my sins. To you.

上帝只宽恕那些能忏悔的人。He forgives only those who repent.

我的个人网站上有一个“忏悔室”。I have a Confessional on my website.

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我像到教堂去忏悔的罪人一样浑身是汗。I'm sweatin' like a sinner in church!

你这个做伪证的基督徒,忏悔吧!You perjured Christian, go to repent!

但是,布莱尔没有真正忏悔。But Mr Blair evinced no real contrition.

他向着她的尸体忏悔起来。And to the dead thing he made confession.

他死前向神父忏悔。He confessed to the priest before he died.

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他死前向神甫作了忏悔。He confessed to the priest before he died.

我可以你和你的忏悔神父是抄写员。Might I your scribe and your confessor be.

忏悔解除了她心中的忧虑Confession disburdened her mind of anxiety.

无尽的热恼,因忏悔而清凉。Endless defilement ceases through repentance.

与其作忏悔者,不如作殉道者。It is better to be a martyr than a confessor.

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那个年轻人忏悔了他的罪孽,得到了宽恕。The youth confessed his sms and was absolved.

三年之后劳合社主席列文勋爵感到忏悔。Three years later Lord Levene is unrepentent.

常生惭愧之心及忏悔心。Heart Health and ashamed and often repentance.