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乡下佬只有饮食橘色的苏打!?!?。Jake only has diet orange soda! ?! ?

你是要苏打威士忌还是鸡尾酒?Second, there is the highball glass.

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你是要苏打威士忌还是鸡尾酒?。Would you have a highball or cocktail?

而杰森认为苏打饮料就像香烟一样。And Jayson thinks of sodas as cigarettes.

这蛋糕混合料中含有少量苏打。The cake mixture contains traces of soda.

那时他常常挨家挨户地推销苏打汽水。He used to go door-to-door and sell soda pop.

你光吃苏打饼乾和沙丁鱼不行。You can't work on soda crackers and sardines.

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一杯威士忌苏打,不放冰的,马上来。One whisky soda, no ice, coming up immediately.

苏打使女神在钓竿旁打盹英语口语人机对话。The soda made the goddess nod by the fishing rod.

苏打使女神在钓竿旁打盹.The soda made the goddess nod by the fishing rod.

有时候,他们和罐装的“冰茶”,就像苏打一样。Sometimes they drink “ iced tea ” from cans, like soda.

他问她要一份冰淇淋圣代冰淇凌苏打专柜。He asked her to the soda shoppe for an ice cream sundae.

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纽约州本打算近期开始征收关苏打饮料税。The State of New York almost enacted a soda tax recently.

煮咸肉和大头菜配苏打面包真是棒!Corned beef and cabbage with soda bread are perfect match!

举了例子,更多的乳制品被吸收会减少苏打的吸收量。For instance, more dairy intake may mean less soda intake.

鲁本在那里找到一个生锈的苏打罐,把两枚硬币放了进去。Reuben found a rusty soda tin and dropped his coins inside.

少喝苏打汽水和其他甜饮料,比如冰茶。Drink fewer sodas and other sweetened drinks, like iced tea.

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如果想少摄入一些脂肪和热量,可以在朗姆或者伏特加中搀兑食用苏打。A less fattening option is to mix rum or vodka with diet soda.

我要按夸脱还是按升去买牛奶和苏打等液体商品?Would I buy fluids such as milk and soda in quarts or liters ?

甜白葡萄酒有白师南、雷司令和意大利苏打白葡萄酒。Sweet white wines are Chenin Blanc, many Rieslings and Spumante.