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试图使鼻子通气。Try blowing your nose.

深度打孔通气的方法是否试过?Has deep-tine aerification been tried?

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但是,通气和孔规则已测试的100年。Condorcet rules have been tested for 100 years.

苏亚雷斯会不会戴着脚蹼和通气管上场踢球?Will Suarez be playing in flippers and snorkel.

魔鬼专辑会议,1989年罕见的通气管。Rare outtake from the "Devils" album sessions, 1989.

一些通气器可以限制流量小于1.0界面。Some aerators can restrict flow to less than 1.0 gpm.

安吉尔准备在幻岛测试一下通气管。Angie ready to test the snorkeling gear at Magic Island.

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通过教育、支持和咨询服务来改善持续气道正压通气治疗的依附性。Education, support, and counseling improve CPAP adherence.

介绍新的通气模式-液体通气。To review a new ventilatory mode i. e. liquid ventilation.

通气不足的主观特征是呼吸困难。The subjective feature of ventilatory inadequacy is dyspnea.

关于机械通气潮气量的新建议是什么?Any new recommendations in regards to ventilation tidal volume?

但是,通气和孔规则已测试的100年。But the IRV and Condorcet rules have been tested for 100 years.

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在培养阶段进行强制通气可促进小苗的生长。Forced ventilation during culture promoted growth of plantlets.

安装低流量水龙头通气器上所有的家庭水龙头。Install low-flow faucet aerators on all your household faucets.

卵上微小的突起物也许像通气管一样帮助呼吸。The delicate projections may aid, like snorkels, in respiration.

一种方法,两种方法,或者是没有防区去最大化手控通气。One hand, two hands, or no hands for maximizing airway maneuvers?

你可任意调整你座位上方的通气管。The air ducts above your seat may be adjusted to your convenience.

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用于防止舌后坠,保障患者正常通气。Bite block and tongue depressor. insuring unobstructed ventilation.

气管内气体吹入通气对气体交换效能的影响。The Effect of Tracheal Gas Insufflation on Gas Exchange Efficiency.

公寓与机械通气的双重转变病毒性心肌炎。The apartments are mechanically ventilated with a double shift VMC.