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服务劳动是一种商品,活劳动是其价值存在形态。Service labor is a kind of commodity and live labor is its existing form of value.

服务劳动是一种商品,活劳动是其价值存在形态。The materialized labor value theory indirectly equates materialized labor with living labor.

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实际上,劳动价值论的基本原理就是劳动者活劳动创造价值的观点。In fact, the basic principle of labor value is the idea of laborers' living labor creating value.

作为人格化资本的资本家对活劳动的剥削主要通过监督和指挥劳动表现出来。As personalized capital, capitalists exploit the live labor mainly by supervising and directing labor.

活劳动是创造价值的唯一源泉是马克思劳动价值论的“硬核”。It is the "core" of Marxist labour value theory that living labour is the sole source of creating value.

知识的价值由活劳动价值、知识产品的载体价值和知识产品中的转移价值构成。Knowledge value is composed of human labor value, carrier value and transformation value of knowledge product.

活劳动减少而价值量增加,至今是一个理论“谜团”。The phenomenon that the living labor decreases while the magnitude of value increases is still an academic mystery.

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并随着科技的进步,活劳动所创造的价值在劳动力的价值构成中所占的比例将会越来越大。The value that is created by live labor will become bigger and bigger with the progress of the science and technology.

多元化的劳动归源于人类的活劳动,活劳动是价值创造的终极来源。Pluralistic labour originated from direct human labour which in turn provided the final source for the creation of value.

开发成本或历史成本,指对技术开发所耗费的物化劳动和活劳动的补偿。It is also known as developing cost or historical cost which is used to compensate for the labor costed in technological developing.

但是,如果这两个资本所使用的活劳动的量不相等,那末,它们就不能生产相等的剩余价值,或李嘉图学派所说的利润。But if they employ unequal quantities of actual labor, they cannot produce equal surplus-values, or, as the Ricardicans say, equal profit.

实际上,等额的资本,不论它们使用多少活劳动,总会在相同时间内生产平均的相等的利润。As a matter of fact, equal capitals, regardless of the quantity of actual labor employed by them, produce equal average profit in equal times.

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城市基础设施作为活劳动和物化劳动的凝结,是城市赖以生存和发展的重要物质基础。City basic equipments as the coagulation of alive work and materializing work is the important material basic of the city existing and developing.

物化劳动是价值创造的必要务件,是活劳动创造的新价值的凝结和载体。Materializing labour is the essential condition of value creation and is also the coagulation and carrier of new value which living labour creates.

在坚持马克思“活劳动创造价值”理论的基础上,在新的历史条件下,不断丰富和发展劳动价值论。Under the new conditions, while sticking to the theory of Marx's living labor creating value, we should enrich and better the theory of labor value.

然后,提出各种生产性活劳动创造商品价值的“活劳动价值新假说”,并论证与此有关的“全要素财富说”和“按贡分配形质说”。Then, it puts forward the "new hypothesis of living labour value", which means that various productive living labour creates the value of commodities.

高等院校人才成本是指一定时期培养每个学生所消耗的全部费用,即所耗费的物化劳动和活劳动的价值形式的总和。The cost of talented person in university defines the all cost to train each student in a certain period, i. e. the sum of oriented labor and live labor.

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物化劳动已经是死劳动,只有活劳动才具备二重属性,才有抽象劳动形成价值的问题。Materialized labor is dead labor. Only living labor possesses the dual properties of labor, and involves the problem of abstract labor that creates value.

科学技术是一种不同于活劳动的生产要素,这是科学技术不创造价值的决定性原因。Science and technology as productive relations are quite different from real work, which forms the basic reason that science and technology does not create value.

马克思劳动价值论在坚持只有活劳动才创造新价值的前提下,对非劳动生产要素在商品价值量形成中的作用或贡献也作了科学阐述和客观评价。Based on the labor value theory, Marx also gave a scientific description and an objective evaluation over the contribution of value production from non-labor factors.